FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 131. 1875. 405 FOREIGN mmmnoonnsm. ‘ Toeifect a transfer of accounts in the State Department, involving Salaries of conno appropriation out of the Treasury, viz: For salaries of consnls-general, ¤¤]¤·£¤*l°¤‘¤*» °°¤· consuls, vice-cousuls, commercial agents, and clerks, for the iiscal gp "°°°°°“““]“* year eighteen hundred and seventy-one, three thousand two hundred and fiftythreo dollars and niucty-seven cents; and for salaries of consulsgeneral, consuls, vice-consuls, commercial agents, and clerks, for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-two, one thousand four hundred and six dollars and fifty-four cents; in all four thousand six hundred and sixty dollars and fifty-one cents.; and for stationery, book- $*¤*i¢>¤¤=‘Y»¤~*¤¤» cases, arms of the United States, seals, pre ses, and Bags, and payment '°““» "‘°· of rent, freight, postage, and miscellaneous items, for the nscal year eighteen hundred and ‘seventy-two, ninety-tive dollars and eighty-six cents; and for stationery, book-cases, arms of the United States, seals presses, and flags, and paymentof rent, freight, postage and miscellaneous items, for the iiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy~three, two thousand six hundred and sixty-nine dollars and fifty-two cents; in all two thousand seven hundred and sixty-five dollars and thirty-eight cents; and for salaries of interpreters to consulates in China, Japan, and Siam, for the ilscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-four, eight hundred and thirty-eight dollars and seventy-eight cents. That the Secretary of State be, and he is hereby, authorized to rent, Buildings for isfurnish, and keep suitable buildings, with grounds appurteuant, at z¤·¤¤¤ ¤¤ <=k*¤s- Pekin ,i’or the use of the legation in China, at an annual cost not exceeding five thousand dollars; that the period of such lease shall be for two or more years and with renewals, as the Secretary of State shall determine; and that the sum of five thousand. dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, therefor. From the unexpended balance of the appropriation made in chapter Ljf,f,]g,Bp°w¤ & three hundred and twenty-eight of the acts of the first session of the ce. Fortythird Congress,‘for the publication of the laws of Congress in newspaper and pamphlet form an amount not exceeding six thousand 1814, c_ 328,amg’ dollars is hereby appropriated to pay the balance justly due to Little, p. 90. Brown and Company, of Boston, and to secure to- the Government the ownership and possession of the stereotype-plates of such laws now owned by said Little and Brown.- The Clerk of the House of Representatives is authorized to send, until 1:,,;,1;,, 4,,.,.,- the first day of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-ilve, such pub- ments to governlic documents as are are prescribed bylaw to be sent to the governors °'°· cli Statgs and Territories under his written frank free of charge through t emai s. To enable the Secretary of State to settle the adjusted accounts of Om,. Mmmm Oscar Malmros, consul at Picton, one thousand nine hundred and ilfty g_ Dunn, and q_Hf dollars and forty-ilve cents, being for the liscal year eighteen hundred Royce. and seventy-two ; and O. Dunn, consul at Hakodadi, two hundred and sixty-seven dollars and ninety-nine cents, being for the same year; and C. H. Royce, consul at Prague, sixty-eight dollars and eighty-six cents, being for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and seventy-three; in all two thousand two hundred and eightyseven dollars and thirty cents. TREASURY DEPARTMENT- INDEPENDENT TREASURY. To enable the Secretary of the Treasury to effect a transfer of accounts, involying no appropriation, out of the Treasury, namely: For compensation to designated depositaries for receiving, safely. (,0,,,,,,,,],,,,,;,,,, to keeping and paying out public moneys for the fiscal year eighteen designated deposihundred and seventy one and prior years, two thousand three hundred i=¤¤¤· and forty two dollars and nine cents.