FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 23, 24, 25, 26. 1874. 15 CHAP. 23.-An act to change the name of the pleasure-yacht •‘ Fearless" Feb. 7, 1874. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represcntativceof the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That authority is hereby granted “Ij¥¤¤¤<> of y =¤» ch t t0‘ the owner of the pleasure-yacht “Fearless/’ of the port of Detroit, ,,“*”“€°‘] State of Michigan, to change the name of said yacht to that of-**Lil1ie" ' by which name said vessel shall be known and registered. Approved, February 7 , 187 4. CHAP. 24.-Au set changing the times for holding certain district courts of Feb. 9, 1874. N the United SEBt0B,foI.' the State of Iowa. ”""""""" Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That instead of the times new Terms of district fixed by low, the terms of the district courts of the United States for "°“"’““‘ I°‘”“· the district of Iowa, to be held in the city of Keokuk and the city of Council Bluffs, shall commence at Keokuk on the third Tuesday of J auuary and the third Tuesday of June, and at Council Bluifs on the fourth Monday of March and the iourth Monday of September, in each year. Sec. 2. That all causes, processes, suits, and proceedings now pend- t, C*w¤¤· &·¤-» ¢¤¤- ing or commenced for said terms of court, or hereafter to be commenced, 'mu ‘ shall be continued or returned in and to said courts at the several times herein specified. Approved, February 9, 1874. CHAP. 25.-An awt to amend the act entitled "Au act to provide for the removal Feb, 11, 1874, of tho Flathead and other Indians from the Bitterroot Valley, in the Territory of‘j§,§q‘¢3g;g·(j_ Montana/’ approved June ilfth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. xvi,} 1; 2Q6_ ' ` Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represenmqives of the United States of America,1Zn Congress assembled, That the time of sale and pay- _Snle of mas in ment of pre-empted lands in the Bitterroot Valley, in the Territory of B**°°”°°* VW0V- lnontmm, is hereby extended for the period of two years from the expi Time extended. ration of the time allotted in the oct entitled ·‘An act to provide for the removal of the Flathead and other Indians from the Bitterroot Valley, in the Territory of Moutzmu," approved June fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. Sec. 2. That the benefit of the homestead act is hereby extended to Homestead not all the settlers on said lands who may desire to take advantage of the ¤¤¤¤¤<]¤d*¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- same. Apuroved, February 11, 1874. CHAP. 26.-Au act in relation to the monument erected to the memory of the Feb. 11, 1874. Chevalier de Teruay. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ Statcs_0fAmc·r#£ca in Congress assembled, That the sum of exght hundred mgjzpaig ¤$<>;}¤— dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary IS berelgy appropmatecl dc Tmmy ° “ ‘“ out of any money in the Treasury not othemvme approprmted, to defmy the expense of repeiriug and protecting from decay the monument erected at Newport, Rhode Island, to the memory of the Chevzmer do Teruay, the com mmnder of the French naval forces in oid of the Auaerxeau Revolution in the year seventeen hundred umd exghtgf ;- the money l1ewl>y a,ppropriated to be expended under the dxrectxou of the Secretary mf the Navy. Approved, February 11, 1874.