450 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 132. 1875. section, the Secretary may, by written order, authorize the increase necessary; but in no case shall the amount expended at any agency exceed ten thousand dollars in any one year; and the provision of this. section shall apply to the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-tlve.. _ E¤D¤¤3<liP¤¤‘¤ <>f Sec. 6. That hereafter, it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the “PP‘fP"“;;°“as fg; Interior, and the officers charged by law with the distribution of supplies
- l;§{$`0f€’ dwcm,- to the Indians, under appropriations made bylaw, to distribute them
cies. und pay them out to the udians entitled to them, in such proper proportions as that the amount of appropriation made for the current year shal1'not be expended before the end of such current ycar,_so as to pre- Expeuai ture not vent deficiencies; and no expenditure shall be made or liability incurred f<>_ <>$¤<>€d ¤·PP*`°‘ on the part of the Government on account of the Indian SBIVICB for any I“"““°“· fiscal year (unless in compliance with existing lawg beyond the amount of money previously appropriated for said service uring suc year. No purchase cx- Sec. 7. That hereafter, no purchase of goods, supplies: or farming imc 96 6 i ¤z $*.90** plements, or any other article whatsoever, the cost of which shall exceed ‘;Q5°‘:g*;c“d'°'°‘“°` one thousand dohlars, shall be paid for from the mfmeg approrériatgd by "this act un ess the same shall have een previous y a ver ise an contmcted’for as heretofore provided by law; and no payment of any part No credit to om- of the money appropriated by this act, or heretofore appropriated for ·=<>¤1 M 1>¤y¤¤<=¤*¤¤ the expenses of the Indian Department, shall be credited to any Gov-
0H°";’;’°'“ °"` ernment (officer until the proper vouchers therefor shall Hrsgihaye been
'submitte to examined and authorize by the accounting officers o the Copies of ¤<>¤- Treasury. rind provided further, That copies of all contracts made by
- 'j“{1*’“d *3 I? mai the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, or any other oEcer of the Governj’Q§d§’m_ ° °°°” ment, for the Indian service, shall be furnished to the Second Auditor
of the Treasury before any payment shall be made thereon. Smt(,,,,0ut O; Sec. 8. That hereafter, the Secretary of the Interior cause to be preitemepflndian :tp— prared and delivered to the Public Printer, on or before the first day of 1>=‘¤P¤¤¤Q¤¤» Wmé ovember in each year, atabular statement of the items paid out upto f\_]’lc§';’;°§;l;;risb2d_ that date of the appropriations made for the Indian Department for the iiscal year previously ending, each item being placed under the appropriation from which it was paid in such manner as to show the disposition made of each appropriation and the amount unexpended of each; §f¤w¤¤·~¤t¤f¤=~l— also an itemized statement of the salaries and incidental expenses paid
- “."’° ’?“d '“““b"' at each agency for the said year, and the appropriations out of which
°t Ind"""' paid, and the number of Indians at each agency; and that the same be laid before Congress on the iirst day of the succeeding session; and Conmnssion cr’s that the report of the Commissioner of lndian Aifairs, with the reports report. of agents, be printed and laid before Congress on the first day of the said session. Cbeclr to accom- Sm. 9. That hereafter all bidders under any advertisement published
£d’H£‘;' by the Uomnxissxoner of Indian Aliairs for proposals for goods, supplies,
Gaming *Q_§'000_ transportation, and so forth, for and on account of the Indian serglicg, w enever the value o the goods supplies and so forth tobe fnrnis e or the transportation to be performed, shall ekceed’the sum of tive thousand dollars, shall accompany their bids with "a certified check, or draft payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Aiiairs, upon some United States depository or some one of such solvent national banks as the Secretary of the Interior may designate, which checlr or draft shall be five percentum on the amount of the goods, supplies, transportation, and so forth, as aforesaid; and in case any such bidder, on being awarded a contract, shall tail to execute the same with good and sufficient sureties according to the terms on which such bid . Forte i t u r e on was made and accepted, such bidder shall forfeit the amount so deposited f¤¤1:¤¤ 3 ¤>=¤¤¤¤¤ to the United States, and the same shall forthwith be paid into the °°“ '°° Treasury of the United States; but if such contract shall be duly 6X0· cntgld, gforesaidysuch draft or check so deposited she.11 be returned' e 1 er. . ‘ . ` _Secumie¤ on In- SEO. 10. That hereafter the security or securities upon the bond rediau agents' bond quired by the act of February twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred and I°;:iI}:£;,’f°°m°“° °f fifty-0110, to be given by each Indian agent before entering upon EM