FORTY-THIRD CON CHESS; Sess. II. Ch. 134. 1875. 459 For removing the Raft in Red River, twenty thousand dollars. mlggolvgngr raft 8 . For thelimprovement of the harbor at Mobile, Alabama, twentysix Mobile. thousan o BIS. For the improvement of the harbor at Cedar Keys, Florida, fifteen 0**6*** K°>’¤· thousand dollars. . For the improvement of the Chattahooche and Flint Rivers, Georgia, Chattah oooh e twenty five thousand dollars. Md mm'? R·1'°'¤- For the ilnprovcm ent of the Apalachicola River, Florida, ten thousand Apala o hi e ol a dollars Rl"!`- For the improvement of the Choctawhatchie River, Florida and Ala- cnoetawhetehle bama, five thou and dollars. River- For the improvement of the harbor at Charleston, South Carolina, Charleston. ten thousand dollars. For the improvement of the harbor at Savannah, Georgia, seventy S¤V¤¤¤¤b· thousand dollars. For the improvement of the Oostanoola and Coosawattee Rivers, Oostanoola and Georgia, five thousand dollars. g;<>¤¤w¤*¤¤¤ R“" For the improvement of Elk River, Maryland, five thousand dollars. Elk River. For the improvement of the harbor at Baltimore, Maryland, seventy- Baltimore. tive thousand dollars._ _ _ d {or the improvement of the Wicomico River, Maryland, five thousand W’°°““°° Rl"'- o ars. ]i{or the improvement of Occoquan River, Virginia, five thousand O°°°°l'·l¤¤ Rl"°*· dollars. For the improvement of Aquin Creek, Virginia, two thousand Aquia Cf60k- dollars. (1 ger the improvement of the mouth of Nomini, Virginia, five thousand —N°¤°i¤l~ o ars For the improvement of the Rappahanoclr River, Virginia, five thou- _R ¤ P P ¤h¤~¤¤<=k sand dollars. R“’°'· d Eor the improvement of the James River. Virginia, fifty thousand ·T¤¤¤¤ River- 0 ars. For the improvement of the South Branch of Elizabeth River, Vir- Elizebeth Riverginia, five thousand dollars. d lior the improvement of the Nansemond River, Virginia, five thousand °rN¤·¤¤¤m<>¤¢l Rivo ars. · For the improvement of the Appomattox River, Virginia, thirty thou- _APP0 ¤¤ ¤ l= to x sand dollars. R“"°“`· _ For the improvement of Cape Fear River, North Carolina, one hun- (?*P°F°¤* R¤l’<>¤ dred and fifty thousand dollars. ‘ _ _ 'For constructing United States Pier in Delaware Bay, near Lewes, BP*°’·`*¤D°I*’·“’**'° Delaware, iitteen thousand dollars. ”‘y‘ For the improvement of Delaware River at Fort Miiilin Bar, twenty Delaware River. thousand dollars; and that any unexpended balance of the amount Unexpenaeu nel. mentioned in the act making appropriations for the repair, preservation, ance appropriated. and so forth, of certain public works, and so forth, approved March 1m;;, m2;;;;, VQ 11, third, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, for the improvement of the p. mia. channel of the Delaware River, at and near the Horse Shoe Shoals, be, and is hereby, appropriated, to be expended for the improvement of said river, at such places between Petty’s Island and its mouth as the Chief of Engineers of the Army may order and direct. _ For the improvement of the Delaware River, New Jersey, between D°l¤W¤*¤ RlV°¤‘· Trenton and White Hill, ten thousand dollars. _ _ For the improvement of the harbor at Wilmington, Delaware, ten W¤l¤¤¤gt<>¤· thousand dollars.j _ 1 For the improvement of the Schuylkill River, twenty thousand dol- m_¤<=l¤¤yU¤U BW- ars.. Fgrdthp improvement of the Hudson River, New York, forty thou- H"d°°“ R“’“'· san dollars. . . For the improvement of the Passaic River, New Jersey, twenty thou- P“““‘° Rm" sand dollars. ~
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