FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 134. 1875. 461 For the improvement of the breakwater at Wilmington, California, Wilmington. thirty thousand dollars. ` For the improvement of Oakland Harbor, California, one hundred oakland Harthousand dollars. bor; For the improvement of the harbor at San Diego, California, eighty San Diego. thousand dollars. ‘ ` For a breakwater in five fathoms of water, to protect the commerce Cleveland. of Cleveland, Ohio, fifty thousand dollars. For the improvement of the harbor at Galveston, Texas, one hundred G=>-lv¤¤t<>¤- and fifty thousand dollars. “ · ` _ For the improvement of the Sebawaing River, Michigan, eight thou- Sebawaing. sand dollars. For dredging the bar at the junction of Pine and Saint Clair Rivers, Pine and Saint Michigan, five thousand dollars. CMF RiV<>¤¤· For the improvement of the harbor at New Bedford, Massachusetts, New Bedford. ten thousand dollars For the improvement of the harbor at Wilson, New York, ten thou- Wilson. sand dollars. - l For the improvement of the Sacramento and Feather Rivers, Cali- Sacramento and fornia, fifteen thousand dollars. F°¤*l><>¤ Rivers- For the improvement of the ship-channel between the mouth of San San Jacinto Riv- Jacinto River, to Bolivar Channel, in Galveston Bay, Texas, twenty-five °’· v thousand dollars. ' For the improvement of Sabine Pass, Texas, twenty thousand dollars. Sabine Pass. d ger the improvement of the Harlem River, New York, ten thousand Harlem mem o ars. . For the improvement of the harbor and river at Saint J oseph’s, Mich- Saint Josepwn, ` igan, thirty·£ive thousand dollars. ‘ . _ For the improvement of the Warrior and Tombigbee Rivers, Alabama, W of I °*`, Wd below Tuscaloosa and Demopolis, twenty-five thousand dollars, in addi- T°ml”gb°° Rm"' tion to any unexpended balance remaining from the appropriation for the harbor of Mobile, hereby transferred to this improvement. For the repair of the breakwater and piers at the harbor of South- S°““hP°“· port, Connecticut, fivethousand dollars. _ _ For completing the improvement of the harbor at Waddington, New w”‘1·*‘“9“°“· York, five thousand dollars. _ _ _ For examination and surveys of rivers and harbors, and for incidental &E K25? ‘“.j;';;’*; repairs at harbors for which there is no special appropriation, nfty thou- ,,f,g§.,,_ '°°` ° ” sand dollars. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of War to apply the moneys M°¤;§’¤ *LPP*°· herein appropriated as far as may be by contract, except when specific §;',”;;,°P,,;,d °W t° estimates cannot be made for the particular work, or where, in the ` judgment of said Secretary, the work cannot be contracted at prices advantageous to the Government, and except the appropriations made for examinations and surveys; and such contracts shall be made after sufficient public advertisement for proposals in such form and manner as the Secretary of War shall prescribe; and such contracts shall be made with the lowest responsible bidders therefor, accompanied by such securities as the Secretary of War shall require. For completing the survey and estimates of the route from the mouth _Yo ugh iogheuy of the Youghiogheny River to continue the slackwater navigation up R”°’ said river, to the head waters at the foot of the Allegheny mountains, thence by canal to Cumberland, intersecting there the Chesapeake and _ Ohio Canal, ten thousand dollars. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of W'ar is hereby directed to cause exam- Secretary ¤f\V¤r inations, or surveys, or both, to be made at the following points, namely: :;’01f;’·“;:d°’;*:l';lf;‘“‘ , _ . YS Alabama River, from Wetumpka to 1ts mouth. _ ,0 be ,,,,,,,1,, at ,,_,,_ "East Branch of Potomac River, from the navyyard to Bladensburg, tain points. District of Columbia. . North and South Branches of the Shrewsbury River, New Jersey. Puyallup River, from the Coal Mines to its mouth, Washington Territory.
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