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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/494

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464 FOIt'l‘Y·THl1tD CONGRESS. . Sess. II. C11. 134. 1875. Payments, h o w Pass during twenty years after first securing the said depth Payments

            • 1**- shall be made on certified statements of an engineer-officer, who shall bg

detailed by the Secretary of War, and whose duty it shall be to report the depth of water and width of channel secured and maintained irom time to ti mc in said channel, together with such other information as the Secretary of War may direct. When a channel of twenty feet iu depth, and of not less than two hundred feet in width, shall have been obtained by the action of · said jettees and auxiliary works, five hundred thousand dollars shall be paid ; and when a channel of twenty-two feet in depth and two hundred feet in width shall have been obtained by the action of said jettees and auxiliary works, five hundred thousand dollars shall be paid. When a channel twenty-four feet in depth, and not less than two hundred and dfty feet in width, shall have been obtained, there shall be paid five hundred thousand dollars; and after said depth and width shall have been maintained during twelve consecutive months, there shall be paid, there shall be paid two hundred and fifty thousand dollars with five per eentum per annum interest from the date when said twenty-four test were first obtained. When a channel twenty six feet in depth, and not less than three hundred feet in width shall be obtained, there shall be paid dve hundred thousand dollars; and when a channel of said depth and width shall have been maintained for twelve months consecutively, two hundred and dfty thousand dollars shall be paid with interest at nve per ccntum per annum from the date when said channel was tirst obtained. When a channel twenty-eight feet in depth and not less than three hundred and fifty feet in width shall be obtained, there shall be paid five hundred thousand dollars- and after said depth and width shall have been maintained for twelve months consecutively, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars shall be paid with interest at six per centum per annum from the date when said twenty-eight feet were iirst obtained. When a channel thirty feet in depth and not less than three hundred and fifty feet in width shall be obtained, there shall be paid five hundred thousand dollars; and after such depth and width shall have been maintained for twelve months consecutively, there shall be paid five hundred thousand dollars with interest at live per centum per _annum from the date when a channel of said depth and width was first obtained ; making a total aggregate of four million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for the aforesaid payments, the respective depths and widths of channel being measured at average Hood-tide, as ascertained and determined by the Secretary of War. When a channel thirty ieet in depth and three hundred and fifty feet in width, shall have been obtained by the effect of said jettees and auxiliary works aforesaid, the remaining one million dollars shall be deemed as having been earned by said Eads and associates; but said amount shall remain as security in the possession of the United States for the purposes hereinafter set forth, interest at five per ccntum per annum on the same being payable to said Eads, his assigns, and legal representatives, semi-annually, from the date when a channel of thirty feet in depth and three hundred and fifty feet in width shall have been Erst secured, so long as said money, or any_part thereof, is held by the United States. Sec. .· That after said channel of thirty feet in depth and of not less than three hundred and fifty feet in width shall have been secured, one hundred thousand dollars per annum shall be paid in equal quarterly payments during each and every year that said channel of thirty feet in depth and three hundred and nfty feet in width shall have been maintained by said Eads and his associates by the effect of said jettees and auxiliary works aforesaid in said pass, for a period of twenty years, _ dating from the date on which said channel of thirty feet in depth and P¤>v¤¤<>- three hundred and fifty feet in width shall be drst seemed : Provided, however, That no part of such annual compensation shall be paid for any period of time during which the channel of said par ,, shall be less than thirty feet in depth and three hundred and fifty feet in width, as hercinbefore specified.