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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/509

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FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 143,144, 145. V 1875. 479 Sm. 2. That the twenty cent piece shall be a legal tender at its nomi- Lczwi ¤>¤<i¢¤;f<>¤‘ ma,1 value for any amount not exceeding five dollars in any one payment. what “““’“· Sec. 3. That in adjusting the weight of the twenty-cent piece, the Deviation nom deviation from the standard weight shall not exceed one and one half ¤¤¤¤d¤Id W°i2h*· grains; and__in weighing a large number of pieceéftogether, when deliv- ` ered by the coiner to the superintendent and by the superintendent to the depositor the deviation from the standard weight shall not exceed two hundredths of an ounce in one thousand pieces.` Snot That all laws now in force in relation to the coins of the a;¤lH¤:;¤leb}:“’t; United tates, and e coinage of the sa-me shall as far as a licable . have full force and effect in relation to ’the coin herein agthorized °w°uty`°°m° °°m` whether the said laws are penal or otherwise and whether they are for preventing counterfeiting or abasement, for protecting the currency, tor regulating the process of coming and the preparation therefor, or for the security of the coin, or for any other purpose. Approved, March 3, 1875. CHAP. 144.-An act to punish certain larcenies, and the receivers of stolen goods. Mm-eh 3, 1875. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America ·m (hmgress assembled, That any person who shall em- E mlm Mlm 2» bezzle, steal, or purloin any money, property, record, voucher, or valua- ?(§°“i*Qgh&é’,·;;°0“; ble thing whatever, of the moneys, goods, chattels, records, or property d62Q,,; fc; ,,,1,,, of the United States, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and on conviction penalty. thereof before the district or circuit court of the United States in the district wherein said offense may have been committed, or into which he shall carry cr have in possession of said property so embczzled, stolen, or purloined, shall be punished therefor by imprisonment at hard labor in the penitentiary not exceeding five years, or by a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, or b0th,·ot the discretion of the court before which he shall be convicted. ~ Sec. 2. That if any person shall receive, conceal, or aid in concealing, Knowiugly rcor have, or retain in his possession with intent to convert to his own $’°“””£° °°';:f:" use or gain, any money, property, record, voucher, or valuable thing x' prébcgty ggwhatever, of the moneys, goods, chattels, records, or propertyof the United n,0’u,.im gems; States, which has theretotore been embezzled; stolen, or purloined from penalty- the United States by any other person, knowing the same to have been so embezzled, stolen, or purloined, such person shall, on conviction before the circuit or district court of the United States in the district wherein he may have such property, be punished by a. fine not exceeding tive thousand dollars, or imprisonment at hard labor in the penitentiary not exceeding Eve years, one or both, at the discretion of the court before which he shall be convicted; and such receiver may be tried Moybotriod beeither before or after the conviction of the principal felon, but ifthe party f<3¤>_ M ¤·*`¤¤1‘ 90E- has been convicted, then the judgment against him shall be conclusive ";“‘°“ °f P"“°" evidence in the prosecution against such receiver that the property of P ` the United States therein described has been ombezzled, stolen, or purloined- . » Approved, March 3, 1875. CHAP.(145.-An act to provide for deductions from the terms of sentence of United MMG]! 3, 1875- Btatcs prisoners. “""""`jf Be it cmwtcd by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America. in Congress assembled, That all prisoners who have Deductions from been, or shall hereafter be, convicted of any offence against the laws of :*;.’”*;gr€ag:°{’,;Q€§3 the United States, and couiined, in execution of the judgment or sentence Smm Pm0D8H_ . upon such conviction, in any prison or penitentiary of any etabe or Territory which has no system of commutation for its own prisoners, shall have a deduction from their several terms of sentence of five days in