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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/511

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FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. GH. 149, 150, 151. 1875L 481 CHAP. 149.-An act to provide for deducting any debt due the United States from March 3, 1875. i any judgment recovered against the United States by such debtor. -——-—-—-;—- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United A t f d bt States of Amerika in Congress assembled, That when any unaljudgment dm§f’§'Q0,§’B W§h_ recovered against the United States or other claim duly allowed by held by Secretary iegal authority, shall be presented to the Secretary of the Treasury for ¤f f1‘r¤_¤¤¤ry in payment, and the plaintiff or claimant therein shall be indebted to the I;”Y’“gfl“‘}1g(;’{;’;‘g“; United States in any manner, whether as principal or surety, it shall agigné U_ S_ be the duty of the Secretary to withhold payment of an amount of such judgment or claim equal to the debt thus due to the United States; and if such plaintiff or claimant asscnts to such set off, and discharges his judgment or an amount thereof equal to said debt or claim, the Secre- Secretary to Mwtary shall execute a discharge of the debt due from the plaintiif to the °“,f° d“’°h’”¤°» United States. But if such plaintiff, or claimant, denies his indebted- W w' ness to the United States, or refuses to consent ’to the set-oft, then the A d d i t i 0 ,, ,,,1 Secretary shall withhold payment of such further amount of such judg- amount to be with- . ment, or claim, as in his opinion will be sufficient to cover all legal held WPGH <>1***m· charges and costs in prosecuting the debt of the United States to final ““° d°‘“°“ ‘1°bt‘ judgment. And if such debt is not already in suit, it shall be the duty Duty of Secretaof the Secretary to cause legal proceedings to be immediately com— W t° B“° °¤ d°b*· menced to enforce the same, and to cause the same to be prosecuted to final judgment with all reasonable dispatch. And if in such action Balance, new judgment shall be rendered against the United States, or the amount Pi;'] *9 d°]’*"“*‘“€ recovered for debt and costs shall be less than the amount so withheld §g,Qgs,}§_*`§%2 fic, as before provided, the balance shall then be paid over to such plaint- less sum tnanwithiif by such Secretary with six per cent interest, thereon for the time. it heldhas been withheld from the plaintiff) Approved, March 3, 1875. CHAP. 150.-—An act to make East Pascagoula, in the State of Mississippi, a port March 3, 1875. of delivery in the District of Pearl River. —i———j Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the pas- East Pascagoula sage of this act East Pascagoula, in the State of Mississippi, in the dis- *9 l>¤ P9I`*? of d°· trict of Pearl River, shall be a port of delivery for said district. 1“'°‘Y · Approved, March 3, 1875. CHAP. 151.—An act to protect ornamental and other trees on Government reserve.- MMU}`! 3i 1875- tions and on lands purchased by the United States, and for other purposes. '__`“`“"""""` Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That if any person or persons _ Cubtivi-I <>1‘i¤.i¤F· shall knowingly and unlawfully cut, or shall knowingly aid, assist, or be ;‘}g,}’°§" employed in unlawfully cutting, or shall wanton1y destroy or injure, or or ,,,,,,,,;,,,,,,,1 for procure to be wantonly destroyed or injured, any timber-tree or any public use. shade or ornamental tree, or any other kind of tree, standing, growing, or being upon any lands of the United States, which, in pursuance of law, have been reserved, or which have been purchased by the United States for any public use, every such person or persons so offending, on conviction thereof before any circuit or district court of the United States, shall, for every such offense, pay a fine not exceeding five hun· Punishment. drcd dollars, or shall be imprisoned not exceeding twelve months. ‘ . Sec. 2. That if any person or persons shall knowingly and unlawfully Breaking fences, break or destroy any fence, wall, hedge, or gate inclosiug any lands of &c·, i¤¤ <>`¤1¤ g the United States, which have, in pursuance of any law, been reserved of (H; s;;'; Or purchased by the United States for any public use every such per- chased fo,. public son so oiiending, on conviction, shall, for every such oéfense, pay a une use. noigexceeding two hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not exceeding six Punishment. months. — Vol. 18, pt. 3-31