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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/52

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22 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 55, 56. 1874. Sec. 3. That if at any time after the tiling of said aflidavit, and prior L"“‘l ““bj°°*’ *° to the issuing of thepatent for said land, the claimant shall abandon

§Q’Q°°°:;i,:§, gslgihgl the land, or tail to do the breaking and planting required by this act,

tioii abandoned. or any part thereot, or shall fail to cultivate, protect, aindl liieeop in good condition such timber then and inthat event such lan s a e su ject to entry under the hcimestead laws, or by soine other person under the _ provisions of this act: Provided That the party making claim to said N°“°° *° °“Sl““1 land, either as a homestead settler or under this act, shall give, at the time °1““““°°‘ of filing his application', such notice to the original claimant as shall be Rights of Pumas, prescribed by the rules established by_ the Commissionerof the General how determined. Land-Omoo, and the rights of the parties shall oe determined as in other contested cases. 1862 b ,,, 1 Sec. 4. That each and every person who, under the provisions of the Xii,p_ °' V0 `act entitled “An act to secure homesteads to actual settlers orrthe public domain," approved May twentieth, eighteen hundred and 'sixty-two, Homemad B at or any amendment thereto, having a homestead on said public domain, ,1,,,,, having timber who, at any time after the end of the third yea; of his or her residence under cultivation. thereon shall in addition to the settlement an improvements now ret“*€.2} ‘€i§“i¥é£“¥B.?3$‘.. “.§*£.°'b.%‘I}§‘¥2“?§’.§1’ti€‘?.”.1`3?.‘Li€>§“£;¤.°.1‘,§’.$‘€'L‘Z.é’if lm ¢ waygaiid in a good thrifty condition, for each and every sixteen acres of said homestead, shall, upon due proof of such fact by two credible witnesses receive his or her patent for said homestead. _ Lum, not Mme 8110.5. That no land acquired under the provisions of this act shall {0, ,,,,0, d,,,,,,,_ in any event become liable to the satisfaction of any debt or debts contracted prior to the issuing of certificate therefor. · · . SEO. 6. That the Commissioner of the General Land-Othee is herebv mgsc¤;I§}§:f°°°r W required to prepare and issue such rules and regulations, consistent with gis act, as shall be necessary and proper to carry its provisions into e act · and that the registers and the receivers of the several land- Fees of registers offices shail each be entitled to receive two dollars at the time of entry, ·¤¤<1r<>¤<>iv•=¤¤· and the same sum when the claim is finally established and the iiual certificate issued. 1857, Cb_ ,16, § 5, Sec. 7. That the fifth section of the act entitled "An act in addition vol. xi, p. 250. to an act to punish crimes against the United States, and for other purrnmshrnent rorposes," approved March third, eighteen hundred and fiftyseven, shall 1>•¤¤;1¤ry- extend to all oaths, athrmations, and aiiidavits required or authorized by this act. Bandits of this Sec. 8. That parties who have already made entries under the act u,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, to 0,,- approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, of which tries under former this is amendatory, shall be permitted to complete the same upon full Mt compliance with the provisions of this act. I Approved, March 13, 1874. March 16, 1874. CHAP. S6.? —A¤ act to grant an American register to the Canadian schooner " George Warren." 7 Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United American register States of America, in Congress a.ssembLcd," That the Secretary of the Treas- $>,¤¢b¤<>g¢¤ "G¢¤>¤s<> urybe, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to issue an American ““°“‘ register to the Canadian schooner “George Warren," owned by ienjamin F. Morton, of Detroit Michigan.', Approved, March 16, 1874.