FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS., Sess. II. GH. 161, 162. 1875. 50]. Sec. 18. That no person shell be prohibited the right to travel on any E¤¤l¤¤i<>¤ fwm part of suid road, or ejected from the cars thereof, lor any other cause °‘“`“· than that of being drunk, disorderly, unclean, contegiously diseased, rethsing to pay the legal fare exaoted, or to comply with the lawful general regulations of the company. “ Sec. 19. That each of the stockholders in the said railway company ._lmlivi¢lu¤·1 linshall be liable individually for all the debts and liabilities of the said **1**Y- company to an amount equal to the amount of stock held by such stockholder. ~ Sec. 20. That all the provisions of the act incorporating the Columbia Act mmpomt- Itmlway Company, requiring reports of expenditures, earnings, and ine 0<>1¤¤¤bi=¤ Reilotherwise, shall be applicable to the company herein incorporated, which ‘Q?YdC°"’P““Y “P‘ shall make reports as in said act required. P ’° ' Approved, March 3, 1875. CHAP. 162.-An act for the support of the government of the District of Columbia March 3, 1875. for the iisce.1 year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, and. —·--———————- fo!‘ Oui0I' pllI'p0S6S. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America. nm Congress assenzblcd, That for the support of the Tax on mal and government of the District of Columbia for the fiscal year ending June P°¤`S°¤=¤l PY¤1l*>1`*Y thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-six, there shall be levied, upon ‘“ D‘C‘ all real and personal property in said District, excepting only the real and personal property of the United States and that hereinafter stated, a tax of one dollar and fifty cents on each one hundred dollars. Sec. 2. That the amount collected under the provisions of this not Apportionment shall be distributed for the purposes required under the various nets in °*` *****8 °°U°°**’*l· force in the District of Columbia, upon e just and fair apportionment to be made by the commissioners of the District of Colum bid, or their _ successors in omce: Provided, That before any of said fund shall be u;";;g;g“l:L";’;‘°°f expended, said apportionment shall be established and published by ip ' said commissioners at least six times, consecutively, in a daily newspaper of the District of Columbia; and said published apportionment shall stand as the law for the distribution of the funds herein mentioned: Prooidedfurtlier, That deticiencies in. any of said funds enumerated in Deficiency ofnne said apportionment may be supplied from any surplus in either of said f¤¤d supplied frvrrr funds so apportioned; but, unless a surplus exists, the revenues belong- ““P1““ °f ““°°“°'- ing to one fund shall not be applied to the purposes of any other innd. S20. 3. That one-half of the tax levied by this not upon real and I¤¤t=»11m¤¤f¤ of personal property shall become due and payable on the tirst day of WU "’b°“ °*“°· October, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, and the other one-bulf of such tax shall become due and' payable on the first day of April, eighteen hundred and seventy-six; and in every ease where the tax levied by this not shall be paid in instalments `as herein authorized, each of _ Distribution of said payments shell be deemed to have been made on the several funds ;*‘¤*j;{*i*tL`;> ¤d*·** *0 and for the difterent purposes indicated in the second section of this act; °" “” " °' and an equal pro rata proportion of the puyments so made shall be carried to the credit of the respective funds. Sec. 4. That if one-half of the tax herein levied upon the real and Delinquent inpersonal property taxed by this act shall not be paid on or before the ¤j§¤l*¤;}¤¤{¤ *0 ¤¤V· first day of October, eighteen hundred and seventy-tive, said instalment °‘“ ““‘ “‘ shall thereupon bein arrears and delinquent; and there shall be added, to be collected with such taxes, at penalty of two per centum. upon tho amount thereof on the first day of each succeeding mouth until payment of said instalment and penalty. And if said instalment shall not he paid on or before the iirst day of April, eighteen hundred and seventy- six, together with the one-half of said original tax due on or before said hrst day of April, a like penalty shall be ndded on said last one-half of such tux ; and the whole together shall constitute the delinquent tux on Jnianquent wx.
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/531