RESOLUTIONS. [N0. 1.] Joint re oluticn filling an existing vacancy in the Board of Regents of Doc, 18, 1814, the Smithsonian Hnstitution. —-L-. Resolved by the Senate and House of,Re_prese·rltatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the existing vacancy in the George Bancroft Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, of the class other ¤¥*P°*¤t°d F°S°¤* than members of Congress, shall be filled by the appointment of George Qt,E’gQg“°“‘““ I"` Bancroft, of the city of Washington, in place of William T. Sherman, ' resigned. Approved, December 18, 1874. [No. 2.] Joint resolution to continue the board of audit to examine and audit the Dao_ gl IgM_ unfunded or Heating debt of the District of Columbia. -.-..} Bc it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the board of audit _B¤q¥d ¤f ¤¤dit constituted by section six of the act entitled “An act for the govern- £'““"°'£Pf C(;’1“'“‘ ment of the District of Columbia, and for other purposes! approved "§§2,° :‘§§7‘,,,,,,, ·June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-four, be continued until 116.’ ’ otherwise provided by law with all the powers and duties s eciiied in said section, and with compensation to the members of the board at a rate proportioned, according to time, to that granted in said act, and payable as therein provided; and the time for presenting claims is Ifresentation of hereby extended for the period of thirty days from this date; and °]°#*m¤~ per ons having sustained damages to real estate, but failed to present the same to the board of public works, may present the same for audit and allowance within the time above limited, as specified in the seventh class of claims mentioned in said sixth section: Provided, That when Jurisdiction of. the title to claims evidenced by certitlcates of the auditor of the board ¤_¤i*¤ i¤{V¤1Vi¤s; of public works is involved in suits DOW pending in any court of eompe- “”1° *° °1““““· tent jurisdiction, such court shall not be ousted of jurisdiction in respect of such question of title; and utter the board of audit shall have _ C¤¤i>i¤¤¤¤¤¤ to ascertained the amount, if any, due upon any such claim the certificates ‘“:ft° *;:1 :‘;f:_°“f“1 of said board of audit shall be issued and be convertible in favor only P y of the person iinally adjudged in such suit to be entitled thereto, and ghen said party may by law have execution of such judgment or ecree. Sec. 2. That said board of audit shall proceed forthwith to eziamine Examination of and audit the accounts of the treasurer and auditor of the late board of ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ vf _¤r<>¤—·¤— public works according to the provisions of the said act entitled “An 3“°t,‘;,“d‘E;’§I?£ uct for the government of the District of Columbia, and for other worm — P purposes ” approved June twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy- iour, as required by said act, and shall specifically report whether the Rvvvrt ·¤¤ ucaccounts of said treasurer were so kept from day to day as to show his "h*’·* *° payments of currency or bonds, to whom paid, and on what authority; ` whether or not the moneys and other assets which were received by or were under the control of said treasurer, have been properly accounted for by said treasurer; and what, if any, of such moneys or other assets have been paid out or disposed of by said treasurer without aud1tor’s warmnts or certificates therefor; what,—if any, payments were made without evidence that the same were made for or on account of the public improvements in the District of Columbia made by the said Board of Public Works; what, if any, payments were made upon illegal