FORTY-THIRD UONGRESS. Sess. 1. Ch. 169, 171, 172, 173, 174. 1874. 549 ilin g his accounts, the sum of nine thousand eight hundred and fifty-three dollars and forty-two cents ; that being the amount charged against him on the books of the treasury and transferred by the United States depositary at Norfolk, Virginia, to the rebel authorities at Richmond, Virginia. Approved, May 12, 1874. CHAP. 171.-An act for the relief of Lucius A. Rountree. May 14, 1874. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amerhza in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be _Payment to Ludirected to cause to be paid to Lucius A. Rountree the full pay and °*“° A·R°“¤*·*°°· emoluments of a first lieutenant of infantry of company A Forty-sixth regiment of Missouri Volunteers, from the thirteenth day of September,. eighteen hundred and sixty-four, to the third day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, deducting therefrom any amount he may have received, as an enlisted man, during the time specified. · Approved, May 14-, 187 4. . CHZAP. 172.-An act for the relief of James Long. Ljgty 14, ]814_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be L P’}rYm°¤* *°JM¤°S directed to cause to be paid to James Long the full pay and emoluments °"·‘ of a second lieutenant of infantry, of company A, forty-sixth regiment of Missouri volunteers, from the thirteenth day of September, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, to the third day of December, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, deducting therefrom any amount he may have received as an enlisted man during the time specified. ‘ Approved, May 14, 1874. CHAP. 173.-An act for the relief of Elias C. Boudiuot. May 14, 1374_ · Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in Congress assembled, That thecivil proceedings now P.! <;¤E¢{$l·¤ H su pending in the name of the United States against the property claimed °]§’f,”§,'f5,0t disggsg by the said Elias C. Boudinot, for alleged violations of the internal rev- ' enue laws, be discontinued and dismissed. ‘ Approved, May 14, 1874. CHAP. 174.-An act for the relief of R. W. Clarke, postmaster at Brattlcborough, MM14, 1874. Vermont. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ _ Slates of America tn-Congress assembled, That the Auditor of the Treas- fCI§*=w¤81¤¢·L¤¤¤¤6¤ ury for the Post-Office Department be directed to credit to R. W. Clarke, ° ‘ ‘ ""` °‘ postmaster at Brattleborough, Vermont, in.l1is account as such postmaster, with the sum of one thousand three hundred and twelve dollars andeighty-seven cents, being the amount of postage-stamps and postal- ·money—order funds stolen from the safe of said post-office by burglarso on the twenty-fourth day of November, eighteen hundred and seventy- three, without fault or negligence on the part of said postmaster. Approved, May 14, 187 4.