FORTYTHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 433, 434, 435, 436. 1874. 603 nundred and seventy dollars, on account of postage-stamps stolen from the office on the night of the sixteenth of December, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, and with the further sum of one hundred and twenty- five dollars, being the amount of money stolen from a registered letter at the same time, the amount of which was paid· by her to the owners thereof on the order of a special agent of the Post-Oiiice Department; which credits may be allowed in favor of said Louisa P. Molloy in any settlement hereafter made by her with the Post-Oliice Department. Approved, June 22, 1874. \ CHAP. 434.-—An act for the relief of Colonel E. McCarty. June 22, 1874. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- Payment tq E- ury be, and he is hereby, lauthorized and directed to pay to Colonel E. L{.°?,“";Yh °“¥€“°° McCarty, of Illinois, assignee of Ruel Hough, out of any money in the° °° °°g ’ Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of one thousand four hundred and fifty dollars ; which said sum the said Ruel Hough paid to the Government on a direct tax sale by the judgment of a United States court, the tax on the land sold having been prior to said sale by the _ owner thereof, Provided, That the said Secretary is satisfied that said Pmviso. McCarty has succeeded to all the rights which' said Hough had to make reclamation upon the United States. · Approved, June 22, 1874. · CHAP. 435.--An act for the relief of John Dold. June 22, 1874. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United J h States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- D5§ym"“t M ° “ ury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to John Dold ` the sum of one thousand tivehundred and twenty-five dollars and eighty- three cents in lieu of check numbered A, seven thousand five hundred and thirty-one, on the United States depositary, dated the twenty-sixth day of February, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, payable to the order of said John Dold, and signed by A. J. McGonigle, acting quartermaster United States Army; which said check, it is claimed, has been lost, and was never received by the said John Dold: Provided, That before the pay- ym,,,,,,_ ment hereinbefore authorized; the said John Dold shall execute a bond of indemnity to the United States, with sufficient sureties, against the claim of the payee in said draft or the claim of any person in possession of or claiming the same, and also to fully indemnify the United States against all loss and damage in the premises. Approved, June 22, 1874. " CHAP.- 436.-·An act for the relief of Martin Kallfieisclfs sons. , June 22, 1874. Be it enacted by th.e"Senate and House of Representatives of the United G M States of America in. Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- mf°?,{:,f5‘ c fj G ,1*5: Ury be,‘and is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Martin Kali- ,,,,,,,_ iieisclfs sons the sum of five thousand two hundred and forty-one dollars and twenty-eight cents, out of any moneyin the '1‘reasury_not otherwise appropriated, in full payment for acids furnished the United States assay-office in the city of New York in the years eighteen hundred and sixty-nine and eighteen hundred and seventy. __Approved, June 22, 1874.