V. IPOBTYTHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. » Ch. 527, 528, 529, 530, 531. 1874. 617 CHAP. 527.——An act for the relief of J. E. Ingalls, postmaster at Denmark, Lee June 23, 1874. County, Iowa. ` Be it endctcd; by_th0 Senate and House of Representatives of the United ` States of America on Congress assembled, That; the Auditor of the Treas- 0¤¤d¤¤i¤ ¤¤¤¤¤¤f¤ ury for the Posh0in0e Department be directed to credit the account of °f J· E· I“·‘?““°· J. E. Ingalls, postmaster at Denmark, Lee County, Iowa, with the sum of one hundred and elghizy-five dollars and fo1‘t1y·four cents for postage stamps stolen from_111s office on the third of September, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, without; any fault or negligence on the part of said Ingalls. Approved, June 23, 1874. . CHAP. 528.—An'a.ct to relieve Sandine G. Stone, of Alabama., of political disabilities. June 23, 1874, Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representati»ves—of the United States of America in Congress assembled, {two thirds of each House con- P I, , 1 , _,, curring therein,) That the political disabilities imposed upon Szmline G. mf ;?°°ga,‘3,QS:g"é' Stone, of Alabama by the provisions of the fourteenth article of amend- 5mm_ ` ment to the Constitution of the United States bc, and the same are hereby, removed. , y Approved, June 23, 1874. CHAP. 529.—— An act to relieve Joseph \Vheeler of Lawrence county, in the State Juno gg_18N_ of Alabama. from all political disabilities imposed by the fourteenth amendment to i;—········· the Constitution Be it enacted by the Senate and Houseof Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, (two thirds of each House concur- Political dmbm ring therein) That; all political disabilities imposed by the fourteenth M as of JOM D h amendment 1:0 the Constitution of· t-he United States. by reason of pam- Wheeler. mcipncion in the lame rebellion, be and they are hereby removed from Joseph Wheeler of Lawrence County, in the State of Alabama. Approved, June 23, 1874. CHAP. 530.-An awt for the relief of the Pekin Alcohol Manufacturing Company. _},mB.2g_ 137,; Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqprcmmmtives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioner of Inter- Satisfaction ,0 bb nal Revenue is herebynuthorized zmd directed to enter satisfaction on emma on gxpoyt the export bond for that portion of the distilled spirits of the Pekin bond of the Pekin Alcohol Manufacturing Company of the State of Illinois said to have €£9b°{) M¤¤“f=*°· been destroyed at; Urbana, Ohio, while in transit for export to the port: mg °”‘p‘*‘“y‘ of Genoa, upon proofsatisfactory to him, and to the Secretary of the Treasury, of the destruction of said spirits without fraud, collusion, or negligence on the part of the owners of said spirits. Approved, June 23, 1874. CHAP. 531.-—An act to relieve E. L. Winder of his political disabilities. JHHG 23, I874· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Beprescnmtives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, (uo0·thio·ds of each house concur- _Political dieabilb ring Uwrein,) That all the political disabilities imposed by the fourteenth ¤<>¤<>f E- L·W¤¤d°*· amendment of the Gonsbicucion of the United States, on E. L. Wmder, of Norfolk, Virginia, late lieutenant- in the United States Navy, be; and the same are hereby removed. ‘ Approved, June 23, 1874.