634 FOB,TY-THIRD CONGRESS.. Sess. II. Ch. 105,1%,107, 109,110. 1875 Feb. 93, 1875. · CHAP. 105.-—Au act granting a pension to Wil1iam,Wi11iamn. ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representative; of the United Pension ,0 Wn_ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the {nm. Liam Wmmms. rior bo, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pensiorl. roll, subject: to the provisions and limitations of the peusioulaws, the name of William Williams, late captain of Company A,First; Bai; talion of Cavalry Pennsylvania Volunteers, zmd to pay him u pension from and after the passage of this act. , ‘ Approved, February 23, 1875. · pcb_ gg, 18;; CHAP. 106.-Au not rostggpghmue riepzgcgrgfgilghg 1r1l;r(1;1•:.of Lydiuk. Church, minor- Bc it enacted by the Smmta (md House of Representatives of the United P¤¤¤i<>¤ fe Lydia States of America in Congress auacmblul, That the Secretary of the Interior ' L C1‘“"°h· bo, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to restore to the pensionroll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension-laws, the name of Lydia A. Church, minor daughter of Na.tha,nie1 G. Church, ar private in Company E, Third Regiment of Manne Voluuteersyand to pu.y_her a.- pension from the time of its suspension, November sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, until ·sl1e armves ab theage of sixteen years. ‘ Approved, February 23, 1875. p0;,_ gg, 15mg_ CHAP. 10'l.·—-Au act granting a, pension to Nathan Upharu. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ,,,,,],,,0,, m Nm States of America. in Congress assembled, Thut the Secretary of the Inte- _ than Up;,,,m_ · rior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pensionroll, subject; to the provisions and limitations of the pension-laws, the name of Nathan Uphum, a corporal in Company G, Eighty-fourth Regiment of Indiana Volunteers, and to pay him a pension from and · after the passage of this ac;. · _ Approved, February 23, 1875. Feb. 27, [875. CHAP. 109.-Au oct for the relief of J. W. Drew, late additional psymaaten in the ---—--—-——‘ United States, Army. _ _ Bq it enacted by the Senatcand Home of Representatives of the United CWM mowed to States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting- J. W. Drew. officers of the Treasury of the United States bB,`3I1(1 are hereby, authorized and directed to allow to J . W. Drew, late additional paymaster in the United States Army, in the settlemeufof his accounts for the months of November and December, eighteen hundred and sixty-eighp, the sum of twenty thousand three hundred and nineteen dollars and exghhy- eight:_ cents for disbursements made on vouchers lost in transmission: Provided, That said accounting-otfcers shall be sutisded that sa.1dAns— bursements were made; and in, determining the same, secondary ev1- dence may be received. Approved, rremmy 27, 1875. Fab, 27, 1575, CHAP. 110.-An act for the relief of gajor J. W. Nioho1s,·pa.ymuster United ' Be it enacted by the Sana to and Home of Represmmhvcs of the United _1>¤.yme¤m>J.w. States_of America in Congress assembled, That there be paid to Major J · N¤<>*¤°l¤· W. Nnchols, paymuster United States Army, out of any m0ney·i¤ W6 Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of four thousand live hundred dollars, erroneously charged to and paid by him in the sett·1¤· ment of his accounts. _ . . Approved, February 27, 1875.