GONVENTION—REPUBLIG OF SALVADOR. MAY 23, 1870. 693 Oimcention between the United States of America and the Republic of Sal- May 23, 1870- vador. Extradition. Conelnded May 23, 1870; Ratification advised by Senate December 9, 1870 ; Ratijied by President December 16, 1870; Rattfied by President of Salvador October 28, 1873; Time for ezuchanye ofrattjicattons extended May 12, 1873- Ratzyieattons exchanged at Washington March 2, 1874; Proclaimed Mltrch 4, 187 4. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A PBOCLAMATION. Whereas a convention for the surrender of criminals, fugitives from Pr¤¤¤¤1>1¤· justice, between the United States of America and the Republic of Sal— vador, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at San Salvador on the 23d day of May, 1870, the original of which convention, being in the English and Spanish languages, is word for word as follows: Convention for theaurrender of crtmi- Tratadc sobre extradwion de reos nate between the United tates of entre la Repdblira del Salvador y America and the Republic of Sal- la de los Estados Unidos de Ame'- vador. rica.’ The United States of America.and La Repnblica del Salvador y los _ C¢>¤*·¤¤·=*i¤1; PM`- the Republic of Salvador, having Estndos Unidos de América, juz- °‘°“‘ judged it expedient, with a view to gando ser couveniente, para la the better administration of justice, mejor administracion de justicia y and to the prevention of crimes para prevenir la pcrpetracion de within their respective territories crimenes en sus respectivos terriand jurisdiction, that persons con- _ ,torios y jurisdicciones, que los reos victed of or charged wi the crimes infos, convictos 6 acusados do los hereinafter specified, and being c menes especitlcados mas adelanfugitives fromjustice, should, under te on este tratado, sean entregados certain circumstances, be recipro· reciprocamente baio ciertas c1rcun— cally delivered up, have resolved to stancias, han resuelto concluir un conclude a convention for that pur- tratado, y con tal objeto han nompose, and have appointed as their brado como Plenipotenciarios suy- Plenipotentiaries, the President of os, el Presidente dela Republics. del the United States, Alfred T. A. Tor- Salvador al Senor Doctor Don Grebert, Minister Resident to Salvador; gorioArbiz1i,Ministro de Relaciones the Presidentof the Republic of Sal- Exteriores, y el Presidente do los vador, Senor Doctor Don Gregorio Estndos Unidos {1. Don Alfredo 'I‘.A. Arbizu,MinistcrofForeign Aifairs; Torbert, Ministro Residente en el who, after rcci rocal communica- Salvador; qnienes, despues de ention of their full powers, round in contrarenbuenaydebidoformasus good and due form, have agreed respectivosplenospoderes,han conupon the following articles, to wit: venido en los siguientes articulos: Aarrornlsr. Amicuno 1·>. The Government of the United ElGobierno del Salvador yel Go- 1_ P¤?;>¤¤ *0 lm d°· States and the Government of Sal- bierno de los Estados Unidos GOHVI- "’°’ "*" vador mutually agree to deliver up enen en entregarse mfztuamentc los persons who, having been convicted individuos qnesicndo reosconvictos of or charged with the crimes speci- 6 acusados de los crimenes espeiled in the following article, com- cificados on el articulo siguiente, witted within the jurisdiction of cometidos en jurisdicciou de una de one of the contracting parties, shall las partes contratautes, busquen