698 '1`REATY WITH THE REPUBLIC OF PERU. SEPT. 6, 1870. ____SgpjLf§,1870.` Treaty between the United States of America and the Republic of Peru. . Friendship, commerce, and navigatrbn. Ooncluded September 6, 1870; Batiticaticn advised by Senate March 31, 1871; Ratilied by President _Aprit11, 1871; Ratijied by President of Peru May 28, 1874; Time for_ exchange of ratifications emtended June 5, 1873; Ratqicatione exchanged at Lima May 28, 1874; Proclaimed July 27, 1874. _The time originally nxed for the exchange of the ratiiications having unavoidably elapsed, was extended,by a formal agreement of the parties,. to November 9, 1874, within which time that ceremony took place, in the usual form.· BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. . A PROCLAMATION. Preamble. _ Whereas a- treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation, between the United States of America and the Republic of Peru, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Lima on the sixth day of September, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy, the original of which treaty, being in the English and Spanish languages, is, word for word, as follows: Treaty of friendship, commerce, and Tratado de amistad, comercio y navigation between the United naocgacion entre la Rqmtblica Staten of America and the ,Re- det Pern y_ los Estado.; Unidos public of Peru. de América. g,,,m,m;,,g Pay- The United States of America La Pepublica del Perd yla deties. " and the Republic of Peru, being los Estados Unidos do América, equally animated with the desire hallandose igualmente animadas to render iirm and permanent the por el deseo de hacer iirmes y perpeace and friendship which have nianentes la paz y amistad que always so happily subsisted be- felizmente han subsistido siempre tween them, and to place their entre ellas y de colocar sus relacommercial relations upon tbemost eiones de eomercio bajo las bases liberal basis, have resolved to tix mas liberales, han resuelto iijar clear and precise rules, which shall reglas claras y precisas, las que se in future be religiously observed observaran religiosameute en lo between the two nations, by means sucesivo entre ambas naciones por of a treaty of friendship, com- medio de un tratado de amistad, merce, and` navigation. To attain eomercio y navegaeion. Y para this desirable object, the President lograr este deseado ohjeto, el Presiof the United States of America dente de la Repiiblica. del Pern ha has conferred full powers on Alvin conferido plenos poderes a su Ex- P. Hovey, the accredited Envoy celencia el Doctor Don José Jox-je Extraordinary and Minister Pleni- Loayza., Ministro de Relaciones Expotentiary of the said States to the teriores, y el Presidente de los Government of 'Peru, and thePresi- Estados Unidos ha conferido dent of Peru has conferred like iguales plenos poderes a su Exceiull powers upon Doctor J osé Jorge lencia el General Alvin P. Hovey, Loayza, Minister of Foreign Affairs; su Enviado Extraordinarioy Minis- ‘ who, after exchanging their re- tro Plenipotenciario cerca del spective full powers, found to be Gobierno delferu, los cuales, desin good and true form, have agreed pues de haber canyeado sus respecnpon and concluded the following tivos poderes y halladolos en bueua articles: y debida forma, han convenido en los articulos siguientes :