TREATY WITH THE REPUBLIC OF PERU. SEPT. 6, 1870. 793 A.nr1cr.m XI. ARrIoULo XI. The merchants, commanders, or Los negociantes, capitanes de Right or mauag masters of vessels, and other eiti- buque y todos los cindadanos de mg l>“Sl¤°S¤ P<·>FS¤¤ Zeus of either contracting party, cada una de las partes contratantes, any °” by "‘g°‘"" shall be wholly free to manage their tendran en los territories de la otra own business and allairs in all the plena libertad para maneiar por si ports and places within the juris- sus negocios 6 encomendarlos a la diction of the other, or to commit persona que quieran emplear como their business and affairs to the agente corredor, iactorointérprete. management of any person whom Noselesobligaraaque empleen perthey may choose toappointas agent, sonas determinadas para el desemfactor, consignee, or interpreter. peno de estos servicios, ni tampoco They shall not be restrained in the (1 dar ningun salario 6 remuneracion choice of persons to act in such ca- aqnien no quieran ocupar. Gozarau pacities, or be compelled to pay any de libertad absoluta, asi para consalary or remuneration to any one signar y vender sus mercaderias y whom they do not wish to employ. articulos de comercio, como para Absolute freedom shall be given, as comprar los retornos, descargar, _S¤1<> of merchanwell with respect to the consign- cargar y dcspachar sus buques. El“;.“" °*"}d P""’1"'·*’° ment and sale of their merchandise comprador y vendedor tendran° ”°°`“"' and articles of commerce, as to the plena libertad para arreglar entre purchase of their returns, unload- si. y fijar el precio do cualquiera. ing, loading, and sending off their mercancia 6 efectos de comercio que vessels. The buyer and seller shall se hayan de importar 6 de exportar , havefull liberty to bargain together de los tcrritorios de cualquiera de and tixrthe price of any merchan- ambas partes contratantes, obserdise or articles of commerce im- vandose en todo caso los reglamenported into or to be exported from tos de comercio vijentes en los retbe territories of either contracting spectivos paises. party, the regulations of commerce established in the respective countries being in every case duly observed.
Aivrrcrn. XII. Anricnro XII.
-The citizens of either of the high Los ciudadanos de cada una de Bug;,;;?;? f contracting parties shall have the las partes contratantes podran dis- my P P full power and liberty to dispose of poner de sus bicnes muebles é in their personal and real estate and muebles dentro de la jurisdiceion de effects of every kind and descrip- la otra, por renta, donacion, testation, within the jurisdiction of the mento 6 de cnalqnier otro mode; y other, by sale, donation, testament, sus herederos 6 representantes, si orotherwise; and their heirs or rep- son ciudadanos de la otra parte, resentatives, being citizens of the sucederan en los susodichos biehes otherparty, shall succeed to the said muebles 6 inmuebles ya sea por personal and real estate and effects, testamento 6ab intestate, y pueden whether by testament or ab intes- tomar posesion de ellos, bien por tato, and may take possession of the si mismos, 6 por otros que obren " same themselves or by others acting en su nombre, y dispcner de ellos a lor them, and dispose of the same at su voluntad, pagando unicamente their pleasure, paying such dues aquellos derechos a que.en tales only as the citizens of the country casos estan snjetos los ciudadanos wherein saidestate and etiects may dol pais donde se hallan los bienes be shall be subject to pay in like precitados. . eases. ‘ · ARTICLE XIII. Anrfonro XIII. if an vessel belonginq to the En caso de que un,buque perte·· W"°°k°d "*“‘ Citizenszif either of thehigli co11- necicntc ft cindadanos de cual- damaged Ws8B1S' tracting parties should be wrecked, . quiera dc las pnrtcs contratantcs