TREATY `WITH THE REPUBLIC OF PERU; Snrcr. 6, 1870. 705 proper form,their rights before the bida forma sus derechos ante los competent tribunals, it beingunder- trihunales competentes: debiendo stood that the claim thereto shall entenderse que el reclamo ha de habe made within two years by the cerse dentro del término dedosanos owners themselves, their agents, or por los mismos dueiios, sus agentes, the agents of the respectiveGovern- 6 los de sus respectivos'Gobiarnos. ments.. Anrronn XVI. Anrfcnro XVI. " The high contracting parties Cada una de las alms partes con- · Protection or per. promise and engage to give full tratantes ofrece y so compromete 5, sons and property. and perfect protection to the per- dar la mas cumplida roteccion rt sons and property of the citizens of las personas y.prepieriacee de los each other, of all classes and occu- ciudadanos de -la otra, do todas pations, who may be dwelling or clases- y ocupaciones que puedan transient in the territories subject ester 6u_10s territories sujetosa su to their respective jurisdiction; respoctiya{jurisdiccio¤,yasean tran- _ they shall have free and open ac- seunteso omicilindoadaudoles li- ¢°°°°° *0 *·“‘*“· cess to the tribunals of justice for bre acceso ante los tribnnales de " °‘ their judicial recourse, on the same justicia. para sus recursosjudiciales, terms as are usual and customary enlos mismos términos que son de with the natives or citizens of the uso ycosfumbre con los naturales 6 oountryin which they maybe; and ciudadanos del pais en donde se they shall be at liberty to employ, hallen; para ouyo efecto J podran Employment of in all causes, the advocates, attor— emplear endefensa de sus derechos, °·*·*°"l°Y°· neys, notaries, or agents, of what- losabogados,procuradores,escribaever description whom they may nos y agentes de cualquier clase think proper. %Dhe saidcitizeus quecrean convenienten Dichosciu- _ shall not be liable to imprisonment dadanqs, no podran ser presos sin I*¤P¤¤<>¤¤1¤¤*— without formal commitment under que preceda un auto de- prision y a warrant. signed by a legal author- en vista do una orden iirmada por ity,except in cases flagrantés dclicti; una autoridad legal, (excepto on los and they shall in all casesbebrought casos do delito en fragante,) y siem- , before a magistrate 01* other legal pre se los‘haré» comparecer ante un . authority for examination within juez ni otra autoridad legal para to; E; am i u ru on twenty-four boursafter arrest; and marles .Aeclaracioues, dentro, PP°¤ mmif not so examined,the accused shall término do vointicnatro horns P _ _, · forthwith be discharged from cus- pues del arresto, y si en cse tiempo — ·tody. , Said citizens,when detained no se le hantomado declaracrones, Treatment or perin prison, shall be treated, during ol acusado sera puesto inmediata-¤¤¤¤¤¤ P¤¤¤¤- thenrimprisonment, with humanity, monte en libertad. Cuando se doanduounnecessaryseverityshall he tenga a los dichos ciudadanos, sc exercised toward them. _ les-tratara con humanidad duraute · . su. prisionf, y_ no se emplearé. con . . ellos ningunerigor innecesario., Anzrronn XVII. _ Anrfonro XVII,. _ _ It is likewise agreed that perfect Se couviene asimismo en que los pnimy of ee n- am}, entire, liberty of conscience ciudadanos de las dos partes con-°°*°"°*’°"d "’l'¤’°"· Shall be enjoyed by the citizens of tratantes disirutaran enteray porhoththe contracting parties in the fecta libertad de conciencia en los countries subjectto thejurisdictiou paises sometidos a la jurisdlccion of the one or the other, withont ‘ do la- una ·y do la otra, sin estar_ their being liable to be disturbed suéetos a ser perturbados Q moles-. or molested on account of their ta os acausa `su creencia relireligiou belief, so long as they giosa, en tanto quqrespeteulasleyés respect the laws and established yuscs establecidos del pais. Ade- _ . _ usages of the country. Moreover mas los cuerpos de los cmdadanos ’ Rvsht of l>¤¤*·l· the bodies of the citizens of one of de unade las partes contratantes the contracting parties who may que murierenl en los territories de die in the territories of the`other— la otra,' seran, enterrstdos ren 108 Vol. 18, pt. 3-45 ‘