46 FORTYTHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 170, 175, 176, 180. 1874. sm-erm-y or \vm· ou or near the lower Mississippi River, who have been rendered so by 10 ¤¤¤l<<· r¤D=>f¤ v <> reason of the recent overilow; and that the Secretary of War make de- °°"¤'°”· tailed report to the Congress of tho expenditure under this act. 1¤¤5¤<> of f¤<><1 =~¤¤1 Sec. 2. That the Secretary of War is directed to issue temporarily er °1°“1""g· supplies of food and disused army clothing for support and to prevent; starvation and extreme want to any and all classes of helpless or desti— tute persons who have been rendered so by reason of the recent overflow RE mu to C 0 u _ of the Mississippi River, and to make report tp Cougress of such issue Bmw; ‘ ’ of food and clothing, and the condmon and situation of such destitute people, aud the sum of one hundred thousand dollars IS hereby appro Appropriation. priated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, ior such supplies of food or rations: Provided, That the authority hereby Expiration cfm;. conferred upon the Secretary of War shall expire on the iirst day of September, eighteen hundred and seventy-four. Approved, May 13, 1874. _!?)' I5, 1674- CHAP. 175.-An act to authorize the Secretary of the Navy to remove the powder magaaiue from Fort Norfolk, Norfolk, Virginia. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representives of the United d g:$j::;jI‘;§;z‘;€1l’°;';States of America Congress acseynblcd, That the Secretary of the Navy Fm., Nw3U1k vm be, and be hereby1s, authorized, if in hisjudgment necessary, to cause ' the powdenmagaziue, now located at Fort Norfolk, at the entrance of N oriolk Harbor, and near Norfolk, Virginia, to be removed from its pres ent location. Approved, May 15, 1874. May 15, 1874. CHAP. 1'l6.—Au act giving the assent of Congress for the improvement of the "“"""—'°“`—"‘ Wolf River across the Menomonee Indian reservation, in the State of Wisconsin. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Assent of C 0 u- States of America in Congress assembled, That the assent of Congress be,
cg`, and hereby is, given to the Keshena Improvement Company, a corporauc,.,,,,, Mu,,0m0,,_,0 tion organized under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, to improve the
mama reservation, Wolf River, so as to run logs down said river, across the Menomonee in \Vi¤<;<>¤v¤i¤- Indian reservation, in accordance with the laws of said State: Provided, P"°"'“°· That any damages which may be caused on account of such improvements shall be awarded as in all other cases under the laws of the State of Wisconsin, and the amount be paid into the Treasury of the United States for the benefit of said Indians- and said Indians and all other persons shall be permitted to use said river for the purpose of running logs, as contemplated by this act; and the charges for said privilege ) I _ shall be regulated by the legislature of the State of Wisconsin : Provided, I*`_·*‘·'°$—‘** my l¤<>_/urther, That all privileges under this act may be altered or revoked by ultuiud oi revoked. Con Grass
Approved, May 15, 1874.
CHAP. 180.-A11 act granting a portion of tl.1o_United States military reservation
at Salt Lake City for cemetery purposes. _ _ ue it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United v_£<;;*l°:t 0% gcasf- States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, {jangus, Um), {0*; and he IS hereby, authorized to set apart a tract of land, not exceeding putuc Cammy-y_ twenty acres in extent, in the United States military reservation of Camp Douglas, near Salt Lake City, in the Territory of Utah, to be used as a public cemetery, under such rules and regulations as he shall estab-