TREATY WITH THE REPUBLIC OF SALVADOR. Duo. 6, 1870. 74,3 (ith. They may determine on all 6**. Arreglar todo lo relative a giujmiss at m, to matters relatmgtoinjuries sustain- las averias que hayan sufrido en prvrcrty i¤ vowels edatseabyefects and merchandise la mar los efectos y mercancias °f “‘° °°*‘°*""* ““‘ shipped in vessels of the nation in embarcadas en buques de la nacion U"' whose service theconsulisemployed a que sirva. el consul, que lleguen arr1ving_a.t_the place of his resi- al puerto en que este reside, siemdence, provided that there be no pre que no haya estipulaciones stipulationsto thecontrarybctweeu contrarias-entre los armadores, los the shippers, owners, and insurers. cargadores y los aseguradores. But rf, among the personsinterested Pero si se hallaren interesados en in such losses and injuries, there tales averias habitantes del pais should be inhabitants of the coun- donde resida el consul, y que no try where the consul resides, and _ sean de la nncion o. que este sirvu, notbelongingto thenationin whose -t0ca a las autoridades locales el service he is, the cognizance of such conocer y resolver sobre dichas losses and injuries appertains to the averias. local authorities. r . - 7th. They may compromise ami- 7°. Oomponer amigable y extra- Arbitration of cably, and out of court, the differ- judicialmente las diferencias que <liHi¤r¤¤ccs between ences arising between their fellow- sc susciten entre sus compatriotas *`°"°"*"°°“°*’Y'**°“· countrymen, providing that those sobre asuntos mercantiles, siemprc persons agree voluntarily to submit que ellos quieran someterse volunto such arbitration; in which case tariamente a su arbitramento; en the document containing the decis- cuyo caso el documento en que ion of the consul, authenticated by conste la decision del consul auhimself and his chancellor or secre- torizado por él mismo, por su can- ` tary, shall have all the force of a ciller o secretario, tendra toda notarial copy authenticated, so as la fuerza de. un docnmento guato render it obligatory on the inter- rentijio otorgado con todos los re- · ested parties. quisitos necesarios, para ser obli-· gatorio a las partes interesadas. ‘ Sth. They may cause proper or- S". Haccr que se mantenga el 0,.,;,,, on b,, ,,,,1 der to be maintained on board of debido orden interior éibordo de vessels; disputes bevessels of their nation, and may de- los buques de su nacion, y decidir *W€<>¤ •>m°°*¤ Md cide on the disputes arising between ren las diferencias que sobrevengan °’°“'“‘ the captains, the officers, and the entre el capitan, los oiiciales y los members of the crew, unless the individuos de la tripulacion, cx- _ disorders taking place on board cepto cuando los desordenes que should disturb the public tranquil- sobrevengan {1. bordo puedan turlity, or persons not belonging to the bar la trauquilidad publica 6 cucrew or to the nation in whose ando en las diifcrencius esten mezservice the consul is employed, in clados individuos que no sean de which case the local authorities la tripulacion 6 de la nacion a que may interfere. pertenezca el buque, pues en este - . _ case, deberan intervenir las autori- ~ dade locales. ° 9th. They may direct all the op- 9**. Dirigir todas las operaciones Snvingqf wrggkgd erations for saving vessels of their relativas al salvamento de. los vc¤¤·—1·. nation which may be wrecked on buques de la nacion a que portethe coast of the district where the nezca el consul cuando naufraguen consul resides. In such cases the en las costas del distuto eu que localauthorities shallinterfere only el resida. En tal caso las autori- - in order to maintain tranquillity, dadcs vlocales solo mtervendran to give security to the interests of para mautener el orden, dar sethe parties concerned, and to cause guridad a los iutereses salvados y . the dispositions which should be hacer que se cumplan las drsposr- · observed for the entry and export clones que deban observarse para of the property to be fullilled. In la entrada y salida de estos. En the absence of the consul, and until ausenoia y hasta la llegada del his arrival, the said authorities consul ‘ deberau tambien dichasl shall take all the measures neces- autoridades tomar las. medndas sary for the preservation of the necesarias para la conservacwn de eifects of the wrecked vessel. los efectos naufragadcs.