CON VENTION—MEXICO. NOVEMBER 27, 1872. 761 Mexico, who, having exchanged Secretario de.Estado, quienes, ha.- Atheirrespective powers, which were —biendo cangeado sus respectivos iound sufficient and in due form, poderes, que se encontraron b:a.stanhave agreed upon the following tes y en debide forma, han convearticlesz. nido en los siguientes articulos: A Anwromn I. i Ancrioono I. The high contracting parties Les altas partes contratentes Commission rengree that the said commission convienen en que revive diche VW0d Md mm ¤¤· be revivedand thatthetinieiixed by comision y en que el tiempo desig-”°“d°d· __ the convention of April nineteenth, nado en la convencion del 19 de V°l·‘“‘·"·861· 1871, for the duration of the com- 'Abril ,de 1871 pam la duracion de mission aforesaid, shall ’be ex- la comision expresadu, se prorogue tended for a term not exceeding por un término que no exceda. de two years from the day on which dos anos contados desde el dia. en the functions of the said coinmis· que las Ynnciones de la comision sion would terminate according to referida deberian concluir con artnet convention, or for e. shorter reglo é esa eonvencion, 6 por metime if· it should be deemed suf~ nos tiempo si l0 creyeren hasiioient by theqcommissioners or the tante _10s comisionados, 6 el arumpire, in caseof their disa.gree~ · bitro en caso de disentimiento. ment. It is agreed that nothing con— Queda. convenido que nada de—lo_ Time for present-— tained in this article shell in any que contiene este articulo altcra1‘6»‘“8 °l*“”’°· wise elter or extend the time orig- de modo elgnno, 6 extenderé el inally Iixed in the said` convention plazo njado en dicha convencion for the presentation of claimsto the para presenter reclamaciones ante i commission. ln comision mixta. Anmonn II. Aivrfouro II. The present convention shall be La presente convencion sent ra Rntinoations and · ratitied and the ratitications shall tiiicada y les rntilicaciones cangec- °¤¤h¤·¤&:*> oi? be exchanged at Washington as das en Washington n. lu mayor soon as possible. _ brevedad posiblc. ' In witness whereof, the above- _En testimonio de 10 cual, los Signatures to connsmed Plenipotentiaries have sign- referidos Plenipotenciarios, hen V°¤¤°¤· ed the same andnihxedtheir respec- iirmado esta. convencion, y· puéstole tive seals. sus respectivos sellos. ~ Done in the city of Washington Feche en la ciudad de.,Washingthe twenty-seventh dey of Novem- ton el die veinte y sietede N oviember, in the year one thousand eight bre del aio mil ochocientos setenta hundred and seventy-two. y dos. SEAL. HAMILTON FISH. HAMILTON FISH. smmo.} {SEAL.] IGNO. MARISGAL. · IGNO. MARISOAL. SELLO. · And whereas the said convention, as amended, hesbeenduly ratified Rgtiiigggigng sx. onboth parts, end the respective ratificetions of the same were exchanged changed. et Washington on the 17th instant: _ . Now, therefore, be it known that I, Unvssms S. GRANT,_PPSSld8DC of p¤,cim,,,mO.,_ the United States of America., have caused the scid convention to_ be l made public, to the end that the same, and every clause and article _ thereof, may be observed and fulhlled by the United States and the citizens thereotl _ ‘ In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hztnd, and caused the seal of the United States to be mixed. — · ` Done at the city of Washington this twenty-fourth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred mid [SEAL;] seventy-three, and of the Independence of the United States the ninety-eighth. - . ‘ U. S. GRANT. By the President: J. C. Bnncnorr Dnvis, Acting Secretary of State.