UONVENTl<)N-BELGIUM. MAY 9, 1878. 7 9 5 Second addltebnal convention to the postal convention of August 21, 1867, between the United States of America and Belgium. at Wash- xv, p. 565,; vol., xvi, ington on the 9th day of May, 1873; approved by the ident of tlwr-993- United States on the12th dey of May, 1873, . xviii3e35E,, 1870, vol- The General Post—Oflice of the United States and the Postal Admin- Contracting par-, istration of Belgium having recognized the propriety of reducing the ti•>¤· rates of postage fixed by the convention of 21st August, 1867, and by the additional convention of lst March, 1870, the undersigned, duly authorized by their respective governments, have agreed upon the following articles: _ Anrxonn _1. { _ The international single rate upon letters exchanged in direct mails,S***sl9 M? 0** dliviiil Great Britain, between Belgium and the United States, is iixed as §’gQ,f§,f"1° ""‘ G'°‘“* 0 ows: ,-· ‘ ‘ ' 1. At 40 eentimes for prepaid letters originating in Belgium. 2. At 8 cents for prepaid letters originating in the United States. Ancrrcuq 2.. The international single rate for prepaid letters sent by the direct Single rate, presteamship lines to be established between the two_ countries, in conform- Pwd ¤¤¤¤¤¤];_ by §*· ity with. article six of the convention of 21st August, 1867, is ilxed at ‘°°t “°°"‘“" ‘P‘ 30 centimes for letters sent from Belgium, and at 6 cents for letters sent · nom the United States, of which 10 centimes (2 cents) shall represent · the sea-postage. .A 3 _ ‘ error.}; . . .When one of the two contracting onices shall consider it advisable to Closed_ mails by exchange closed mails with a foreign country to which these oiilces may §¤*·¤¤¤¤¤d¤¤ry MV- respectively serve as intermediaries by the direct packets which .—the‘°°=f°°° °"· other contracting ofllce shall have established between Belgium and the United States, it shall pay to the other onlee, for the maritime transportation ipfesnd mpils, between Belgian ports and those of the United tates, a x eo 0 ·: _ _ . . 1.` Three cents 53].5 centimes) per 30-gramsfor letters. _ 2. Ten_ cents ( centimes) per kilogram for other correspondence. _ ' And the same rates of sea-postage are also iixed for the closed mails conveyed by any line of direct mail-steamers between the two countries. · , Anrrcnn 4.. ‘ — The present convention shall be considered as additional to those of _ This oonventiou August 21, 1867, and March ,1, 1.870, and shell take eifect from the date ::¤:g;l;::;£*18*g,?:;*d agreed upon by the two administrations. m0_ _ 18l)one in duplicate and signed in Washington this 9th day of May, $:3; §‘Q;,P·€g?·923, 3. ‘ ‘. ‘ L ` [seen.] J NO. A. J ..OBESWELL, 95 ` . Postmaster- General of the United States. [smm.] MAUBICE DEL1¤OSSE.· I hereby approve the aforegoing convention, and in testimony thereof APD*‘°V¤]· I have cgused the seal of the United States to be ‘adlx%‘l. S GRANT SEAL. . . . . By thegresideut :F ` Ammzrom ren, · Secretary of State; . Wxsmrwwron, May 12, 1873.