834 GONVENTION—MEXICAN REPUBLIC. President of the United States has _1ica Mexicana ha conferido con este for this purpose conferred full pow- lin plenos poderes a Don Ignacio ers on Hamilton Fish, Secretary Mariscal,EnyiadoExtraordinarioy of State, and the President of the Ministro Plenipotenciario de dicha Mexicanllepublichasconferredlike Republiea en los Estados Unidos, powers on Don Ignacio Mariscal, y el Presidente de los Estados Uni- Envoy Extraordinary and Minis· dos ha conferido iguales poderes a ter Plenipotentiary of that republic Hamilton Fish, Secretario de Estato the United States, and the said do. Y estos Plenipotenciarios, ha- Plenipotentiarieshavmgexchanged biendocangeadosuspoderesplenos, their full powers, which were found que se encontraron en dehida forma, to bein due form, have agreed upon han eonvenido en los articulos sithe following articles:guientes: Aarronm I. Aarfcuno I. 0<>¤¤¤¤i¤¤i<>¤ ¤¤- The high contracting parties . Las altas partes contratantes '°“°°d· agree that the said commission eonvienen on que el término ahora shall again be extended, and that Hjado para la didracion de la cothe time now fixed for its duration mision mencionada se extienda de shall beprolonged forone year from nuevo, prorogandose por -un aio the time when it would have ex- contado desde el tiempo en que pired pursuant to the convention espiraria cbn arreglo a laconven- ,.4m6,ve. of the twenty-seventh of Novem- cion del veintisiete de Noviembre ber 1872 ; that is to say, until the de mil ochocientos setenta y dos: thirity-first day of January, in the es decir, hasta, el itreinta y uno de year one thousand eight hundred Enero de m_il ochocientos setentay and seventy-six. seis. q-;,,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,;,. It is, however, agreed that noth- Queda sin embargo convenido ing claims. ing contained in this article shall que nada de lo que contiene este ` in any wise alter or extend the time articulo alterara 6 extenderé de l originally ilxed by the convention modo alguno el término originalof the 4th July, 1868, aforesaid, mente tijado por la convencien del for the presentation of claims We cuatro de J ulio de mil ochocientos the commission.sesenta y ocho, ya referida, para . pre entar reclamaciones ante la ( comision. _ . Aarrcmz II. A Anrfcuno II.- Time for ams- It is further agreed that, if at the .Se eonviene ademas on quasi al ions by umpire. expiration of the time when, pur-· espirar el tiempo en que conforme - suant to the iirst article of this con- al artioulo primero de la presente · vention, the functions of the com- convencion terminen las funciones missioners will terminate, the um- de los comisionados, el arbitro espire under the convention should tablecido por la convencion no _ not have decided all the cases . hubiesedecidido todos loscasos que which may then have been referred · se le hubiercn sometido hastaen- , to him, he shall be allowed a fur- t6nces, quedara facultado para hather period of not more than—six cerlo eu un nuevo periodo que no months for that purpose. excedaide seis meses. Anrrcnm III. Aasrfcuno III, · Em,,,,, of dem, All cases which have been de Todas las reclamuciones que han ae¤p_pri¤¤ comma- cided by the commissioners or by -sido sentenciadas `por los comisio- °¤°¤°¤;b°*‘°°£ the umpire heretofore, or which nados 6 por el arbitro hasta la preshall be decided prior to the ex- sente fecha, 6 que sean senteneiachangeuof the ratiiications of this das antes del cange Ae las ratiiicaconvention, shall from the date of ciones de esta convenciom seran such exchange be regarded as deh- consideradas desde la fecha de cse nitively disposed of, and shall be cange como deiinitivamente resuel-