Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/991

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INDEX. 96] . . P”•S°· Pogo. M0rcha1u1wc— C0nt1uuod. Jl{cxic0—-Continued. proclomqtioin by1shoProsi<1onts doclamng dis- convention Novombor 20, 1874, between crlmiuating duties on, imported in United States and, for further exten- French vossols to be discontinued Oc- sion of .j0int commission fcspcctixw tobcr 1, 1873 .. . . 844 claims . . .·. . .., 633-836 Mzrrclgmzdzsq Foreign, dmimtiou of commission extended to J anwluch arrived 315 ghport of the Uuimyl Spgitcs nary 3],, 1876 ,_,_ , ,,_... . _,, 834 on or before uly 31, 1872,&c. ,€>I1t1tlGd time for rosmvlug claims not altered. 834 to carts11n boueots., 50 tirmi for gecisiou by umpire *... 834 owuei to mnko application, when 51 offoct; of decisions prior to mt·iiica.tious. 834 Merchondwe, Ignpm·ted, adjustment: aud payment of buluucc of special iinding of mtcut to dufmud neces- award.. . .. . 835 széry in all suits to declare forfeiture 89 Mlamics of Eel River, 0 , . . . . 1 appropriations for ormon t 'f t .158 432 1mlo¤s—1u&mtt0 dofmu<lfouml,110 fo1'follI•· M iamics of Indiana, P on mmm ms O ’ 111`0 0 --------···- - - --·-----·----- 189 am ro r' of . ts fi t tt ..158 433 bonded wznrohouso, go110ra1—0rdor st0res,:md Mialigcalo; Léagaalgr pwmm O D ems 0 ’ other deposntomcs of, to be regulated a.ppropriutiousforinterest and installments, by .S¤cr<>m;y of Treasury . . .. 191 sw., to ..,... . . . , ,.,..,,,,, 15:3, 432 to be uozgluumng-placosof foreign steam- 191 Miami Indian Lands in Kansas, WS, 0- --··----- - -------- -·-· ---.· settlers on may make payment of appraised Merchants' National Bank of Minneapolis, _ vnlric, ill WNW ¤1¤¤¤1<>1‘-·;· -·-·----·- 973 successor to First National Bzmk of Saint m§*¤1lm<`¢¤*¤» when P¤·y¤b1°·-- --·- · -—-—·· 273 Anthony ____________ __ __________ _ __ _ 3 interest ou installments . .. 273 Meridith, James A., qc]: to apply only to actual settlers 273 claim ofzallowed by commissioners .. . 586 M¢%Z€¤» —’¥*H<*;0,t f H I b _ _ Mewill Jo n c mm 0 cs u 0 0 zi owoc y commissionclainl of, allowed by commissioners 590 _ W} ---- - ---- T- --··- ; ---· - -·-- - ----· 646 Merrill, Joseph, Mzazza, Ehza A., adnzinwlralmr, claim Of, a110W6d by commissioners ____ ____ 553 claimof osmtqoi Augclo Miuzzu allowed 646 Mcrriu Eli _ _ y oommnssioxicrs. . ,.,,, claiui of, ollowod by commissioners 590 M¤¢l¤0¤·¤, _ _ _ _ Merritt, James P., appropriations for Indian ngoma in .. . .147, 421 mam or, allowed by commissioners .. .. 594 5<>§_¤¤t<;r1>¤>¤<=r¤;£,- ··&·- {-é -_.b--q ---- MIc R' o uvoruw mmm ies c. 0 rn os m. .. ,· :» gyqfilggriutigqé fo; impioviug . ... .241, 460 for light-Txounu sorvibo cri coastsof. . A { 720, Mere/um, Dame! S., junior, _ _ _ zzl, 37’9,Ji%0, $(+1 pzmy111o11tto,forwoi·k and matorialou steamer pool-1‘<>nd§ established in ... .2, 10, 263, 4J1,4,)2 Cimarron ... . ... 635 Mwhlgan City, Metropolitan Raj!/way, _ Qwppvoprigtions for improving harbor ma. . .238, 456 to remove portions of track from Cu,p1to1 R8`) gigxgdlay commissioners Egg grounds ·----- - ----- - ---·-·---·----· ·_ · , ·-·· - - -- —> Mcaarmgem Mzlan, to cho Sonata, certain, to be appointed and salary of consul at .. ... . . . 69 removed by the Sorgoa.nt—ut—A,rms.. .86, 342 M*l°“9°» _ _ Momma uoc ullgwod for first session of Forty-third 4 · __,_ _____ ,___,____,_____ 0[)gl‘(1$8,,_, __,_,_,,,,_,_,,,,.,_,,, MZ;;;L¥2:,$,;?,§?mF actual brzwoling caxyaemsos onlyltovbo ogogad appropriations formauufucturo of,for small- *0 P°l`S°¤¤ *0} mg MHP 05 ¤1*>¤ l G-, 2 gyms ______ _ ________________ _, ______ 75, 455 under him United Smms, , , , . ,,,,_,,, 7 . . · sxllowzmces m excess declared illegal 72 Meters, seo Gaa—Worka, _ dx t b 1, l 1. b . mc in the District of Columbia, regulations for no 6*0 I 0 0 il 9W°{ ( ¤8_ ¤¥`¤1¤l!0 0Y¤ __ testing &c_ _____ , _____ ____ ____ _ ____ gm forgynymcnits m vnolgathon, &c, . . ,2, I P Dm . t C Z M for Umm Smtcs marshall lll Utah, m oxo- Motrapo itqn _ o we? no of o um a, cumlg PwC08E_ ____ _ __________ _ ____ 253 "PP"°l;1m“h°°“ °" ‘‘‘‘ ". ‘‘‘‘ ‘°w"L1‘ ‘2l4’ 385 in couvcyamco of prisoner out of county.. 253 mm °" Bum m b° Pwd by as mg °rB14 .385 proviso of Army upproprizltion not of 1874 hO(3:°t;g§;0§‘¥;;0x‘§v,’?J£éé"` `°````` `"` ’b15 in relation Lo, not to apply to clerks · ···‘'‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘" _ ___, , , , ,,_,,, 334 special mx m 1>¤1ev1ea..sw .- .. 215 when °f,§f,f;“»0‘§“§f;§§f‘*ggslmls, &G_’ to Metzgor Fanmks C. have ufbor January 1 1875 .. . .. . 334 cl:»im’of, ullowoli by oonrmissioncrs .. .. 585 Mlm, 1;,,80,,,, l 7 ~ Mavwan Claims C0;Il7ll·'l}8B?»0'N, 71 327 claim of, allowed by oommxssioxiorsx. .. 588 appropriations or ...,.. .-.. . .. - ------ , Miles, William, _ _ ’ Mwlco claim of gilloxvcd by commissioners -..- 658 apprbpxiatious for oxpousqs of jlofcndingo Miles, Wxllnam l’·, _ 99 claims under convention with.. ‘ 6, 373 olzum of, allowed by commismouors . -.. 5 salary of ¤<>¤¤¤1—g<>¤¤m1 M -... - .. -. 68 M»U‘<>»·d, cmg-, _ _ » of cousuls in . .. . 68, 69 appropriations for improving harbor m;. . AMI, 460 i of minister tom-b' 483 M£zif;rg]g5$ggg’ for yours omlimr Juno 30 trout with Novcm or or o ro- up r * . ,, , yvivalzand further ogttousion of dura.- 1875 alul 1876. ... . -.. ...,59-61, 165-469 tion of tha joint commission for tho _ Sccrotory ot War may onsngn om yof tl;:, settlement of clmimm .. .. , ... 760 _] lot the Arm; to 0 60 duration of c0mmissi6u—a,s»lfixod by couvou— proiossor of lay .11; . -. . .. 4 I,) tion of April, 19, 1871, oxtoudqd two 761 banal ut, wlmb be consist of . ... Mb y¤>=¤·rs· - n ---- - ·-----~ ? ---- - ·---- ‘ ---··· pay <> ..·- » --.-. . - . . . ...-» . ..·-~ V o1. 18, pu. 3-61] ’