4 . FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 10, 11, 12. 1876. “· and are on a scale creditable to the Government and people of the U 't d St te : Thereibre Pecit eridctesd by the Senate and Hoijlseioy Representatives of ine; Unged Centenuiulbuild- States of America in Congress assem e , iat e sum 0 one m1_ ion ve i¤z¤· hundred thousand dollars to complete the Centennial buildings and APP¤‘¤P1‘i¤*i°¤· other preparations, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated out of any moneys in the United States Treasury not otherwise appropriated, when and how which shall be paid on the drafts of the president and treasurer of the PM}- Centennial Board of Finance, one third immediately after the passage Pr¤vi¤¤· ‘ of this act, and the remainder in four equal monthly payments; vided, That in the distribution of any moneyst at may remain in _ e ti€’i+ sit 53** °f °"°·€°§“‘%“"‘t} ’€£"”2. °ft“““€°°’ ‘3l°°fh';"t}l“¥.'€“‘2§‘.§.?,,€é§3 _¤·‘- e s asprovie or y e n secion _ _ - , , appro,ved June first, eighteen hundred and seventy-téwo, inlcofrporatuég said Centennial Board of Finance the appropriation erein e ore ma e To be reimbursed. shall be paid in inll into the Treasury of the United States, before any dividend or percentage of the profits shall be paid tojthz liiomsrs of aug Provieo. · stock: Provided also That the Governmento the ni ec a es s a U,,,,°dSm,,,,,,,,,, not, under any circumstances, be liable for any debt or obligation of the liable for debts. United States Centennial Commission or the Centennial Board of ‘ d Finance, or any payment in addition to the foregoéng sdmé 1 h 'l`¤j¢¤¤¤1‘¤* ¤¤ Sec. 2. That the money bythis act appropriate sha e pai< to the ' €’;°“;Q:’{)"0g, b°‘“d treasurer of the Centennial Board of Finance only after he and the SPresident of the board shall have executed a bond in the sum of hve hundred thousand dollars to the United States, with sudicient security, to be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury, for the safekeeping and faithful disbursement of the sum hereby appropriated. Approved, February 16; 1876. t Feb. 18, 1876.. CHAP. 11.-—An act liixilng the timezoti lloldinggbe circuitlclgurt of the United States ·—;—— in the ‘strictso' a i ornia, regon, an eva a. _ _ Be it enacted 'by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United c,;;;': i’;£’1°:g";§ States rg America in Congress assembled, That a term of the circuit court -s - S mmf _ of the nited States for the districts of California Oregon and Nevada giatmgregen, aiild shall be held as follows, namely: For the di trictyof California, on the ' Nrgagaggcd. 119 first Monday of February, second Monday of July, and fourth Monday ‘ my ·> >PP· r of November in each year; for the district of Oregon, on the second ' Monday of April and the first Monday of October in each year, and for · the district of Nevada, on the third Monday of March and the first Monday of November in each year. And the said terms respectively when to mw shgll be inTthe place and stead of those now provided by law. _ _ me 2. hat this act shall take edect on the first day of March °H;.(:,,,,s0_ eighteen hundred and seventy-six; and all provisions of law inconsistz · ent therewith, are hereby repealed : Provided, That when a term shall have commenced in any of said districts before this act takes effect, it · shall be lawful to continue such term until the time for the commencemlent of the first term in said district to be held under the provisions of t is act. Approved, February 18, 1876. F€b_ 13, 1g7g_ CHAP. 12.-An act to change 1:118 locatiog at the 1-Tonsulates at Aix·la·Chapelle and at ———~·—-— m08i lll!. UX] O.: , — Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United C 1 t States of America in Congress assembled, That the consulate now estab- Aixjfghz P°°°,{‘: lished at Aix-la-Chapelle, in class live, in schedule B of consulates, be ,,,,,1 0,,,0, ,,,,,1 removed to Cologne, within the same consular district; and the consu- Truxillo removed. late now established at Omoa and Truxillo, in class seven, in schedule
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