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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/322

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296 FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. OH. 102. 1877. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. House; cornpen- For compensation of Members of the House of Representatives and ¤¤ti<>¤· Delegates from Territories, one million five hundred and eighteen thousand dollars. Mileage. For mileage, one hundred thousand dollars. Omcers and cm- For compensation of the otiioers, clerks, messengers, and others Pmés- receiving an annual salary, in the service of the House of Representatives, namely: Clerk of the House of Representatives, including compensation as disbursing-officer of the contingent iuud, four thousand five hundred dollars, and for hire of horses and wagons for the use of the Clerk’s office, six hundred dollars; chief clerk, journal clerk, two reading clerks and tally clerk, five in all, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; disbursing clerk, Glo clerk, printing and bill clerk, and enrolling clerk, four in all, at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars each ; for assistant to chief clerk, assistant to enrolling clerk, resolution and petition clerk, newspaper clerk, superintendent of document room, index-clerk, and librarian, seven in all, at two thousand dollars each ; distributing-clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; stationery-clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; document-clerk and upholsterer and locksmith, one chief messenger in the office of the Clerk of the House, and one messenger assisting librarian, four in all, at one thousand tour hundred and forty dollars each; bookkeepcr and four clerks, one thousand six hundred dollars each; one chief engineer, one thousand seven hundred dollars; and two assistant engineers, one thou- Employés in sand two hundred dollars each; and all engineers and others who are l¤¢=¤ti¤e. ew-, to be engaged in heating and ventilating the House shall be subject to the f)‘£$fm‘;3;t'°1 °f orders, and in all respects under the direction of theDoorkeeper; for tive ` firemen, at nine hundred dollars each; one laborer, at eight hundred and twenty dollars; and four laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one page, at two dollars and fifty cents per day during the session ; and one telegraph-operator, seven hundred dollars; ior clerk to the Committee of \Vays and Means two thousand five hundred dollars; messen- ‘ger to the Committee of \Vays and Means, one thousand two hundred dollars; clerk to the Committee on Appropriations two thousand dvc hundred dollars; messenger to the Committee on Appropriations, one thousand two hundred dollars; clerk to the Committee of Claims, two thousand dollars; clerk to the Committee on Public Lands, two thousand dollars; clerk to the Committee on lVar Claims, two thousand dollars; clerk to the Speaker’s table, one thousand eight hundred dollars; private secretary to the Speaker, one thousand eight hundred dollars; Sergeantat-Arms of the House of Representatives four thousand dollars; lor one horse and wagon for his use hre hundred dollars; clerk to the Sergeantat·Arms, two thousand one hundred dollars; paying-teller for the Sergeant-at-Arms two thousand dollars; messenger to the Sergeant-at-Arms, one thousand two hundred dollars; Doorkceper, two thousand five hundred dollars; assistant doorkeeper, two thousand dollars; clerk for Doorkeeper one thousand two hundred dollars; janitor, one thousand two hundred dollars; Postmaster, two thousand five hundred dollars; first assistant postmaster, two thousand dollars; four messengers at one thousand dollars each · eight messengers during the session, at one thousand dollars each; Chaplain of the llouse, nine hundred dollars; two stenographers for committees, five thousand dollars each, and this shall be in lieu of all other compensation for such services in reporting and transcribing the proceedings of each and all of said committees; superintendent of the folding room, two thousand dollars; three clerks in the folding room, one at one thousand eight hundred dollars, and two at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one folder in the sealing-room, one - thousand two hundred dollars; superintendent of the document-room, two thousand dollars; chief assistant in the document-room, at two thousand dollars; document tile clerk, one thousand four hundred dol- . lars ; eight messengers, at one thousand two hundred dollars; ten mes-