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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 19.djvu/52

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26 FORTY-FOURTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 43, 44. 1876. O. Duncansou, W. B. Morgan, and their associates, are hereby crjeaped Nam- abody politic and corporate by the name of "The C1UZGHS’BU1]d1Dg Company of Washington Cicy," and as such may make contracts, sue Powers- and be sued, plead and be impleaded, may have :1 corporate seal, and

 may exercise such other powers incident to corporations and usually

enjoyed by them, as are requisite to enable them to purchase, take, hold, and convey square three hundred and sixty-three, in Washington City, District of Columbia, and to improve the same by dwelling-houses thereon, and to sell and convey them to stockholders or others, for the Capital stuck. benefit: of the smekheldersz Provided, That the capital stock of the said company shall not exceed three hundred thousand dollars. SEO. 2. Fmt m°°*i”H· That the first; meeting of said "company shall be holdem at the time and place at which a majority of the persons hereiubefore named shall assemble ter that purpose, and five days' notice of such meeting sha-ll be given each of said corporators; at which meeting, and at all annual meetings, and at all meetings specially called for that object, said — · C<>¤¤*i*»¤*’i<·¤ wd company may adopt or amend a constitution, aud enact, amend, or b"1‘“"“· repeal by-laws regulating the affairs of said company, prescribing the number, character, and duties of their officers and the manner of their election, and providing in all things for the management of the affairs B d I d; tr of said company, pr fer securing its interests and welfare. _SEc. 3. Om "'*" ° “ °° That the powers of tI11s corporation shall vest m an board of directors, ' who shall be chosen as provided by the companys constitution or by- laws, and shall consist of thirteen persons, and shall have perpetual ' succession, each one holding his offce until his successor is chosen Pmviso. apd quz11iHed: Provided, That until an election by the stockholders ot send company shall be had in accordance with the constitution I _ and bylaws of said company, the persons hereinbefore named shall d£_;;*V°*°” of cousyxtute the board of directors of said company. Sec. 4. That when ‘ ‘ the improvement of sand square three hundred and sixty-three shall Z have beemcompletedp the dwellings sold, and the proceeds distributed > _ to the_ stockholders m the manner provided by the constitution, then I-¤‘*>V¤¤<>· the said company shall cease to exist: Provided That the provisions L blt f m of ge 1{¢§1sedIS€e.tut;es3]f tihebegitegi §1tate§1re1etiu%t0 the €)isbrict% in iiyo e - 0 oum 1erea, ing 0 e in. iiyo'1; e 0 `eersan stoekhoderso

 wd S*<>¤kh¤I<1- corporations shall apply to the ohieers and stockholders of said cor-

éummsslimmd poration. SEO. 5. That the corporation hereby created shall have no to Dim of COL authority to transact busmess outside of the District of Columbia and A,,,E,,dm0,,t and Congress may at any time alter amend 01- repeal this act;. repeal. MICHAEL O. KERR Speaker of the House of Representatives T. W. FERRY President of the Senate pro tempore. Received by the Pxiesidenb March 24, 1876. . [Nom BY mma DEPARTMENT OF Smmmj-The foregoing ect: having ·been presented to the President of the United St:etes`for his approval, end pet heving been returned by him to the house of Congress in which 1b originated Wl13h1D the txme prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, has become 2.1gw without his approval.] _ April 5, 1876- CEAP. 44.-An act to amend the act entitled "Au act giving the approval and sauc- ""‘*"""— mon of Congress to the route and termini of the Anacostia und Potomac River Railroad, and to regulate xts construction and operation? Be it enacted the Senate and House o ¢·csemtut' ' P Anacostia. gu 41 {States of Amerécym Oongreqa assembled, T £s£€ ecciou t:v:?$>F{lf: eg g1 :q R {r:;5¤:jm°¤:§; mg the approval and sa,nction pi Congress to the route and termini of c0mP1m_zmcxmd_ the Anacostia and Potomac Bxver Balxlroed, approved February eighte- 6d_ eenth mghteeu hqudred and seventy-five,be, and is hereby, so amended {S7;;;?. ggé as boexbend the t.1me for the com piebion of said mud to six months from