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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/126

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Delaware.Western district of Pennsylvania; one to consist of the state of Delaware, and to be called the district of Delaware; one to consist of the state of Maryland, and to be called the district of Maryland;Maryland.
one to consist of that part of the state of Virginia, which lies eastward of a line to be drawn from the river Potomac at Harper’s ferry, along the Blue Ridge, with the line which divides the counties on the east side thereof from those on the west side thereof, to the North Carolina line, to be called the Eastern district of Virginia; one to consist of the remaining part of the said state of Virginia, to be called the Western district of Virginia; one to consist of the state of North Carolina,North Carolina.
South Carolina.
and to be called the district of North Carolina; one to consist of the state of South Carolina, and to be called the district of South Carolina; one to consist of the state of Georgia, and to be called the district of Georgia;Georgia.
one to consist of that part of the state of Tennessee which lies on the east of Cumberland mountain, and to be called the district of East Tennessee; one to consist of the remaining part of said state, and to be called the district of West Tennessee; one to consist of the state of Kentucky,Kentucky. and to be called the district of Kentucky; and one to consist of the territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio, and the Indiana territory, and to be called the district of Ohio.Ohio.

Waters and mountains to be considered as within both the adjoining districts.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That where any two adjoining districts of the United States shall be divided from each other, in whole or in part, by any river, bay, water, water-course or mountain, the whole width of such river, bay, water, water-course or mountain, as the case may be, shall be taken and deemed, to all intents and purposes, to be within both of the districts so to be divided thereby.

Classification of the districts into six circuits.Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the said districts shall be classed into six circuits in manner following; that is to say: The first circuit shall consist of the districts of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island; the second, of the districts of Connecticut, Vermont, Albany and New York; the third, of the districts of Jersey, the Eastern and Western districts of Pennsylvania, and Delaware; the fourth, of the districts of Maryland, and the Eastern and Western districts of Virginia; the fifth, of the districts of North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia; and the sixth, of the districts of East Tennessee, West Tennessee, Kentucky, and Ohio.

Three judges to be appointed for the circuits, except the sixth circuit.Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That there shall be in each of the aforesaid circuits, except the sixth circuit, three judges of the United States, to be called circuit judges, one of whom shall be commissioned as chief judge; and that there shall be a circuit court of the United States, in and for each of the aforesaid circuits, to be composed of the circuit judges within the five first circuits respectively, and in the sixth circuit, by a circuit judge, and the judges of the district courts of Kentucky and Tennessee; the duty of all of whom it shall be to attend, but any two of whom shall form a quorum; and that each and every of the said circuit courts shall hold two sessions annually, at the times and places following, in and for each district contained within their several circuits respectively;Times of holding the circuit court. that is to say, the circuit court of the first circuit, at Providence on the eighth day of May, and at Newport on the first day of November, in and for the district of Rhode Island; at Boston, in and for the district of Massachusetts,Massachusetts.
New Hampshire.
on the twenty-second day of May and fifteenth day of October; at Portsmouth on the eighth day of June, and at Exeter on the twenty-ninth day of September, in and for the district of New Hampshire; in and for the district of Maine, at Portland on the fifteenth day of June, and at Wiscasset on the twenty-second day of September. The circuit court of the second circuit, at New Haven on the fifteenth day of April, and at Hartford, on the twenty-fifth day of September, in and for the district of Connecticut; at Windsor on the fifth day of May, and at Rutland on the fifteenth day of October, in and