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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/167

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and that every such delegate so admitted to a seat, be, and he is hereby authorized to receive, free of postage, under the said restrictions, any letters directed to him, and which shall have arrived at the seat of government prior to the passage of this act: and that every such delegate shall receive for his travelling expenses and attendance in Congress, the same compensation as is or may be allowed, by law, to the members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, to be certified and paid in the same manner.

Approved, February 18, 1802.

Statute Ⅰ.

Feb. 23, 1802.

Chap. VI.An Act making certain partial Appropriations for the year one thousand eight hundred and two.

Specific appropriations.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of sixty thousand dollars be, and the same hereby is appropriated towards defraying the expense of the pay of the army, during the year one thousand eight hundred and two.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the following sums be, and the same hereby are appropriated to the purposes herein recited, respectively, that is to say: for the contingent expenses of the department of the treasury, to make good the deficiency of former appropriations for the same, the sum of sixteen hundred and thirteen dollars, and fifty-seven cents.

For the printing of the public accounts, to make good the deficiency of former appropriations for the same, the sum of fourteen hundred dollars.

Towards the contingent expenses of the department of the treasury, during the year one thousand eight hundred and two, the sum of one thousand dollars.

Towards the contingent expenses of the House of Representatives, during the year one thousand eight hundred and two, the sum of three thousand dollars.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the accounting officers of the treasury department be, and they hereby are authorized, in the settlement of the accounts of the several officers herein after mentioned, to make the following allowances for clerk hire, during the year one thousand eight hundred and one, in addition to the allowances now established by law, that is to say:

To the accountant of the navy department, one thousand nine hundred dollars, and thirty-one cents.

To the purveyor of public supplies, seven hundred dollars.

To the superintendent of stamps, three hundred and seventy-seven dollars and seventy-eight cents.

To the commissioner of loans of Pennsylvania, one thousand five hundred dollars.

Expenses allowed not to exceed the sums appropriated by law.Provided however, That the expense, thus allowed, shall have been actually incurred: And provided also, that the whole amount paid to each above-mentioned officer, respectively, for his compensation, and that of his clerks and persons employed in his office, for the year aforesaid, shall not exceed the sums heretofore appropriated, by law, to those objects, respectively, during the said year.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the aforesaid sums shall be paid and discharged out of any monies in the treasury of the United States, not otherwise appropriated.

Approved, February 23, 1802.