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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/184

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Statute Ⅰ.

April 3, 1802.

Chap. XVI.An Act making appropriation for defraying the expense of a negotiation with the British government, to ascertain the boundary line between the United States and Upper Canada.

Specific appropriation for the expenses of establishing the boundary line between the U. States and Upper Canada.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That a sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated, payable out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to defray the expense which shall be incurred in negotiating with the government of Great Britain, for ascertaining and establishing the boundary line between the United States and the British province of Upper Canada; when the President of the United States shall deem it expedient to commence such negotiation.

Approved, April 3, 1802.

Statute Ⅰ.

April 3, 1802.

Chap. XVII.An Act making an appropriation for defraying the expenses which may arise from carrying into effect the convention made between the United States and the French Republic.

Specific appropriation.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That for the payment of such demands as may be justly due for French vessels and property captured, and which must be restored or paid for, pursuant to the convention between the United States and the French republic, there be appropriated a sum not exceeding three hundred and eighteen thousand dollars, to be paid, under the direction of the President of the United States, out of any public money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated.

Approved, April 3, 1802.

Statute Ⅰ.

April 6, 1802.

Chap. XIX.An Act to repeal the Internal Taxes.

Repeal of the acts imposing duties on certain things after 30th June, 1802.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the thirtieth day of June next, the internal duties on stills and domestic distilled spirits, on refined sugars, licenses to retailers, sales at auction, carriages for the conveyance of persons, and stamped vellum, parchment and paper, shall be discontinued, and all acts and parts of acts relative thereto shall, from and after the said thirtieth day of June next, be repealed:Provisions of these acts still to be in force with respect to the recovery of what may be due under them. Provided, that for the recovery and receipt of such duties as shall have accrued, and on the day aforesaid remain outstanding, and for the payment of drawbacks or allowances on the exportation of any of the said spirits or sugars legally entitled thereto, and for the recovery and distribution of fines, penalties, and forfeitures, and the remission thereof, which shall have been incurred before and on the said day, the provisions of the aforesaid acts shall remain in full force and virtue.

The office of superintendent of stamps abolished, and when.
The commissioner of revenue to perform certain duties under this act.
Collectors of the internal duties to be continued till their collections are complete, unless sooner discontinued by the President.
Supervisors to continue in office in the same manner.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the office of superintendent of stamps shall cease and be discontinued from and after the thirtieth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and two; after which day the commissioner of the revenue shall perform all the duties by law enjoined on the said superintendent of stamps, which may be required in pursuance of this act; that the office of collectors of the internal duties shall continue in each collection district, respectively, until the collection of the duties above mentioned shall have been completed in such district, and no longer, unless sooner discontinued by the President of the United States, who shall be and hereby is empowered, whenever the collection of the said duties shall have been so far completed in any district as to render, in his opinion, that measure expedient, to discontinue any of the said collectors, and to unite into one collection district any two or more