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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/201

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Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That the stated session of the district court, for the district of Virginia, heretofore directed to be holden in the city of Williamsburg shall be holden in the town of Norfolk from and after the first day of July next, and the stated sessions of the district court for the district of Maryland, shall hereafter be holden in the city of Baltimore only, and in the district of Georgia, the stated sessions of the district court shall be held in the city of Savannah only.

State of Tennessee divided into two districts.Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That for the better establishment of the courts of the United States within the state of Tennessee, the said state shall be divided in two districts, one to consist of that part of said state, which lies on the east side of Cumberland mountain, and to be called the district of East Tennessee, the other to consist of the remaining part of said state, and to be called the district of West Tennessee.

District judge of Tennessee to hold four annual sessions.
Act of February 24, 1807, ch. 16, sec. 4.
Clerks to be appointed for East and West Tennessee.
Where to reside—their duties and emoluments.
Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That the district judge of the United States, who shall hereafter perform the duties of district judge, within the state of Tennessee, shall annually hold four sessions, two at Knoxville, on the fourth Monday of April, and the fourth Monday of October, in and for the district of East Tennessee, and two at Nashville, on the fourth Monday of May, and the fourth Monday of November, in and for the district of West Tennessee.

Sec. 18. And be it further enacted, That there shall be a clerk for each of the said districts of East and West Tennessee, to be appointed by the judge thereof, who shall reside and keep the records of the said courts, at the places of holding the courts, whereto they respectively shall belong, and shall perform the same duties, and be entitled to, and receive the same emoluments and fees, which are established by law for the clerks of the district courts of the United States, respectively.

Marshals for East and West Tennessee—their powers, duties, and emoluments.
Act of February 28, 1799, ch. 19, sec. 4.
Sec. 19. And be it further enacted, That there shall be appointed, in and for each of the districts of East and West Tennessee, a marshal, whose duty it shall be to attend the district courts hereby established, and who shall have and exercise within such district, the same powers, perform the same duties, be subject to the same penalties, give the same bond with sureties, take the same oath, be entitled to the same allowance, as a full compensation for all extra services, as hath heretofore been allowed to the marshal of the district of Tennessee, by a law, passed the twenty-eighth day of February, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, and shall receive the same compensation and emoluments, and in all respects be subject to the same regulations as are now prescribed by law, in respect to the marshals of the United States, heretofore appointed:The present marshals to continue in office, unless removed by the President. Provided, that the marshals of the districts of East and West Tennessee, now in office, shall, during the periods for which they have been appointed, unless sooner removed by the President of the United States, be and continue marshals for the several districts hereby established, within which they respectively reside.

Attornies for East and West Tennessee.
Their duties and emoluments.
Sec. 20. And be it further enacted, That there shall be appointed for each of the districts of East and West Tennessee, a person learned in the law, to act as attorney for the United States within such district; which attorney shall take an oath or affirmation for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, and shall prosecute in such district, all delinquencies, for crimes and offences, cognizable under the authority of the United States, and all civil actions or suits, in which the United States shall be concerned; and shall be entitled to the same allowance, as a full compensation for all extra services, as hath heretofore been allowed to attornies of the district of Tennessee, by a law passed the twenty-eighth day of February, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine, and shall receive such compensation, emoluments and fees, as by law are or shall be allowed to the district attornies of the United States, respectively: Provided, that the district attornies of East and West