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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/217

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Statute Ⅰ.

May 1, 1802.

Chap. XLV.An Act to provide for the establishment of certain districts, and therein to amend an act intituled “An act to regulate the collection of duties on imports and tonnage;” and for other purposes.

Act of 1799, ch. 22. Act of 1817, ch. 109.
A district formed, to be called the district of East River, from the district of Yorktown, in Virginia.
Port of entry and delivery may be designated by the President, and a collector and surveyor to be appointed by him.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the last day of June next, a district shall be formed from the district of Yorktown in Virginia, to be called the district of East River, which shall comprehend the waters, shores, harbors, and inlets of North and East river, and Mobjack bay, and all other navigable waters, shores, harbors and inlets within the county of Mathews, in said state; and it shall be lawful for the President of the United States to designate a proper place to be port of entry and delivery within the said district; and to appoint a collector and surveyor of the customs to reside and keep their offices thereat, who shall be entitled to receive, in addition to the fees and other emoluments established by law, the annual salary of two hundred dollars each.*

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That from and after the said last day of June next, Bennet’s creek, within the district of Edenton, and state of North Carolina, shall cease to be a port of delivery, as heretofore established, and the office, authority,Their compensations.
Bennet’s creek in the district of Edenton to be discontinued, as a port of delivery.
A port of delivery substituted on Salmon creek, at Tombstone.
and emoluments of the surveyor of said port, shall also from thenceforth terminate and be discontinued; and a port of delivery, in lieu thereof, shall be established on Salmon creek within the district aforesaid, at a place called the Tombstone; and a surveyor of the customs shall be appointed to reside and keep an office thereat, who shall be entitled to receive for his services, in addition to the fees established by law, the annual salary heretofore allowed to the surveyor of Bennet’s creek.

Surveyor to reside there.
His compensation.
A port of delivery established at the mouth of Slade’s creek.
*1799, ch. 23.
1804, ch. 13.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That from and after the said last day of June next, a port of delivery shall be established at the mouth of Slade’s creek on the north side thereof, within the district of Washington, and the state of North Carolina, on a certain tract of land, intended and designated for a town, whereon William Parmley resides; and a surveyor of the customs shall be appointed to reside and keep an office thereat, who shall be entitled to receive for his services, in addition to the fees established by law, an annual salary of one hundred and fifty dollars.

District of Marietta established.
A collector to be appointed to reside at Marietta.
No other port of entry and delivery in the district.
Collector’s salary.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That in the territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio, there shall, from and after the passing of this act, be established a district, to be called the district of Marietta, which shall include all the waters, shores and inlets of the river Ohio, on the northern side, and the rivers, waters and shores connected therewith, above or to the eastward of, and including the river Scioto, from the mouth thereof, upwards, as far as the same may be navigable: and a collector of the customs shall be appointed to reside and keep an office at the town of Marietta, which shall be the sole port of entry and delivery for the said district; and the said collector shall be entitled to receive for his services, in addition to the fees and other emoluments established by law, an annual salary of one hundred and fifty dollars.

President may establish another port of entry and delivery on the Mississippi:—
May appoint a collector to reside there—and one or more surveyors at such places as he shall designate for ports of delivery only on the Mississippi.
Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the President of the United States to establish, when it shall appear to him to be proper, in addition to the port of entry and delivery already established on the Mississippi, south of the state of Tennessee, one other port of entry and delivery on the said river; and to appoint a collector of the customs to reside and keep an office thereat, and to appoint one or more surveyors to reside at such place or places as he may think proper to designate as ports of delivery only; and the surveyor or surveyors thus appointed, shall be subject to the control and direction of the collector within whose district he or they shall reside.