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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/232

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of the city of Washington be constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name of a mayor and council of the city of Washington, and by their corporate name, may sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, grant, receive, and do all other acts as natural persons, and may purchase and hold real, personal and mixed property, or dispose of the same for the benefit of the said city; and may have and use a city seal, which may be broken or altered at pleasure; the city of Washington shall be divided into three divisions or wards, as now divided by the levy court for the county, for the purpose of assessment; but the number may be increased hereafter, as in the wisdom of the city council shall seem most conducive to the general interest and convenience.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the council of the city of Washington shall consist of twelve members, residents of the city, and upwards of twenty-five years of age, to be divided into two chambers, the first chamber to consist of seven members, and the second chamber of five members; the second chamber to be chosen from the whole number of councillors elected, by their joint ballot. The city council to be elected annually, by ballot, in a general ticket, by the free white male inhabitants of full age,Their powers as such.
The city to be divided into wards.
City council to consist of twelve members.
To be divided into two chambers, in what manner.
Council to be annually elected, and by whom.
Judges of elections.
Times of holding the elections.
How long the polls are to be kept open.
When and how the votes are to be counted.
Persons having the greatest number to be notified thereof by the judges, and a return made to the mayor of the city.
How the mayor is to be appointed.
His continuance in office and qualifications.
Where the council is to hold its sessions, and when.
The mayor may convene it on extra occasions.
What number shall make a quorum to do business in each council.
The two councils may appoint their own officers, &c., and make their own rules and regulations.
The mayor to appoint all officers under the corporation.
Ordinances to be binding must be approved by him, but in certain cases.
who have resided twelve months in the city, and paid taxes therein the year preceding the election’s being held: the justices of the county of Washington, resident in the city, or any three of them, to preside as judges of election, with such associates as the council may, from time to time, appoint.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the first election of members for the city council shall be held on the first Monday in June next, and in every year afterwards, at such place in each ward as the judges of the election may prescribe.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the polls shall be kept open from eight o’clock in the morning till seven o’clock in the evening, and no longer, for the reception of ballots. On the closing of the poll, the judges shall close and seal their ballot-boxes, and meet on the day following in the presence of the marshal of the district, on the first election, and the council afterwards, when the seals shall be broken, and the votes counted: within three days after such election, they shall give notice to the persons having the greatest number of legal votes, that they are duly elected, and shall make their return to the mayor of the city.

Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the mayor of the city shall be appointed, annually, by the President of the United States. He must be a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the city, prior to his appointment.

Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the city council shall hold their sessions in the city hall, or, until such building is erected, in such place as the mayor may provide for that purpose, on the second Monday in June, in every year; but the mayor may convene them oftener, if the public good require their deliberations. Three fourths of the members of each council may be a quorum to do business, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day: they may compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner, and under such penalties, as they may, by ordinance, provide: they shall appoint their respective presidents, who shall preside during their sessions, and shall vote on all questions where there is an equal division; they shall settle their rules of proceedings, appoint their own officers, regulate their respective fees, and remove them at pleasure: they shall judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of their own members, and may, with the concurrence of three fourths of the whole, expel any member for disorderly behaviour, or mal-conduct in office, but not a second time for the same offence; they shall keep a journal of their proceedings, and enter the yeas and nays on any question, resolve or ordinance, at the request of any member, and their deliberations shall be public. The mayor shall appoint