manner furnish the same; and in the even of any militia ordered out by the commanding officer of a county, or if the district as herein authorized, such officer shall immediately notify the same, and the cause thereof, to the commanding officer of the district, or to the President of the United States, as the case may require.
Arms, &c. always exempt from execution, and persons from civil arrests while in service.Sec. 25. And be it further enacted, That all arms, ammunition, and equipments of militia, shall be exempted from executions and distress at all times, and their persons from arrests and process in civil cases, while going to, continuing at, or returning from musters, and while in actual service.
Brigadier-generals may employ couriers.Sec. 26. And be it further enacted, That the brigadier-generals are hereby empowered and authorized to employ some person within their respective districts, to convey all orders from them to the commanding officers of corps, respecting the militia of the district of Columbia, who shall be exempt from all other militia duty,Their compensation. and shall receive such compensation, as the legionary court of inquiry, in which district such orders may from time to time be delivered, shall think proper, on his producing to the court a certificate of his having discharged the said services.
Non-commissioned officers and privates of battalions shall on duty appear in uniforms,Sec. 27. And be it further enacted, That all non-commissioned officers and privates, belonging to battalion companies, shall appear while on duty, uniformly clothed, the colour and fashion of which uniforms to be determined on for the respective legions, by the first legionary courts of inquiry which shall be held, and to be approved of by the brigadier-general, provided the expense of the same, additional to that of usual, ordinary, and cheap clothing, does not exceed five dollars for each person; and every such non-commissioned officer, or drummer, or fifer, or private, appearing at any muster held after three months from the time that such uniforms shall have been determined on, and the order relative thereto shall have been published, in some newspaper within the legionary district, and not wearing the same,or be fined. shall be fined five dollars for each offence; unless he can make it appear to the satisfaction of the court of inquiry of the battalion to which he may belong, that he was unable to equip himself.
Courts of inquiry may bind young men and boys to learn military music.Sec. 28. And be it further enacted, That the respective courts of inquiry shall have power to cause to be bound for a term of years, to the several commandants of companies, battalions, and legions, and their successors in office, as the case may require, such number of boys and young men, with the consent of their parent or other person authorized, as they in their discretion may deem proper, for the purpose of being instructed in the different branches of military music, and of serving musicians when they may be competent thereto, to the several companies, battalions, and legions;Their fathers exempt from militia duties. and the father of any youth who may be so bound, otherwise subject to be enrolled, shall be exempt from all duty in the militia, so long as his son so bound may continue to serve in the corps to which he would otherwise belong, as well during his apprenticeship as thereafter;Courts of inquiry to provide for the musicians. and the several legionary courts of inquiry shall make provision from time to time for the clothing, maintenance, and the properly instructing all such youths, to be paid from the fund arising from the fines imposed by this act; and the commanding officers of legions, shall cause the drummers and fifers and other musicians of their respective legions, to meet at the same times and places that commissioned officers are required to meet, for the purpose of being trained by the brigade inspector, or other officer, there to be instructed in their respective branches of music, for which purpose the commanding officer of the legion may employ such person or persons as he may think proper and capable to instruct such drummers and fifers, and other musicians.Compensation. The person so to be employed by the commanding officer of the legion, to be allowed such compensation as the legionary court of inquiry may authorize, and each drummer and fifer, and other musician, unless