Specific appropriations.the adjutant and inspector and paymaster of the army, four thousand five hundred dollars.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That a sum not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, including any unexpended balance of former appropriations for the same object, be, and the same hereby is appropriated for defraying the expense of any treaty or treaties which may be held with the Indians: Provided, that the compensation to be allowed to any commissioner appointed or who may be appointed, for negotiating such treaties shall not exceed, exclusive of travelling expenses, the rate of eight dollars per day during the actual service of such commissioner.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the several appropriations herein before made, shall be paid and discharged, first out of any balance remaining unexpended of former appropriations for the same objects respectively, and secondly, out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.
Approved, March 3, 1803.
Statute ⅠⅠ.
Chap. XXV.—An Act for erecting a Lighthouse at the entrance of Penobscot Bay, or any other place in its vicinity, that may be deemed preferable by the Secretary of the Treasury.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That as soon as a cession shall be made by the state of Massachusetts to the United States, of the jurisdiction over the land proper for that purpose, the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase so much land as may be necessary, and provide by contract, to be approved by the President of the United States,A lighthouse to be erected on Whitehead, Penobscot bay. for building a lighthouse on Whitehead at the entrance of Penobscot bay, or any place in its vicinity, that may be deemed preferable by the Secretary of the Treasury, and to furnish the same with all the necessary supplies; and also, to agree for the salaries or wages of the persons who may be appointed by the President for the superintendence and care of the same; and that the President be authorized to make the said appointments.
Appropriation.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That there be appropriated and paid out of the monies arising from imports and tonnage, the sum of seven thousand dollars for the purpose of erecting the lighthouse as aforesaid.
Approved, March 3, 1803.
Statute ⅠⅠ.
Chap. XXVI.—An Act to make Beaufort and Passamaquoddy, ports of entry and delivery; to make Easton and Tiverton, ports of delivery; and to authorize the establishment of a new collection district of Lake Ontario.
District of Beaufort formed from Newbern, North Carolina.
Beaufort port of entry.
Collector appointed.
1799, ch. 22, sec. 12.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That from and after the last day of June next, a district shall be formed from the district of Newbern, in North Carolina, to be called the district of Beaufort, which shall include the town of Beaufort, and all the water and shore north and east of the said town, to Harbor Island, and all the water and shore south and west of the said town, to Dog Island, inclusive. And the town of Beaufort shall be the sole port of entry and delivery for the said district; and a collector for the said port shall be appointed, to reside and keep his office at the said town of Beaufort, who shall be entitled to receive, in addition to the fees and other emoluments established by law, the annual salary of two hundred dollars.Salary.
Surveyor to each.
Salaries.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That from and after the said thirtieth day of June, Easton, in the district of Oxford, in the state