before the first day of January, eighteen hundred and five, shall entitle the party to become a purchaser of such tract of land:Proviso that receipts for purchase money be produced. Provided, that he shall, prior to the first day of January, eighteen hundred and six, also produce a receipt from the treasurer of the United States, or from the receiver of public monies, for at least one fourth part of the purchase money, and also for the payment of the surveying expenses; and the party shall, upon payment in full of the purchase money, on which, if any of the three last payments shall be made in advance, he shall be allowed the same discount allowed in similar cases by this act, be entitled to receive a patent, which shall issue in like manner, and on payment of the same fees as are provided by this act for the other lands of the United States; but if such person shall neglect to enter his certificate, on or before the first day of January, eighteen hundred and five, or to make such payment as above provided; his right of pre-emption shall cease and become void:Proviso.
Reference to be made to adverse claims. Provided also, and it is further enacted, that whenever a tract of land to which any person might be entitled by virtue of the three first sections of this act, shall also be claimed by the holder of a British patent, legally and fully executed, and duly recorded in conformity to the provisions of this act, who is not confirmed in his claim by the articles of agreement above mentioned, the commissioners shall, in the certificate granted to the person claiming the land by virtue of this act, state the existence of the adverse claims, in which case the party shall not be entitled to a patent, unless he shall have obtained in his favour a judicial decision in a court having jurisdiction therein, and for every certificate so granted by the boards respectively,Clerk to receive two dollars for every certificate. the clerk of the board granting the same, shall be entitled to demand and receive of the party to whom the same is granted, the sum of two dollars.
Commissioners shall report to the Secretary of the Treasury.Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid shall, on or before the first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and four, make to the Secretary of the Treasury, a full report of all the British grants legally and fully executed, which have been duly recorded in conformity to the provisions of this act, the title of which is not confirmed to the holders thereof, by the articles of agreement above mentioned, stating the present situation of the lands, the date of such grants, the conditions annexed thereto, and how far the same have been fulfilled, together with such other remarks thereon as they may think proper;Report to be laid before Congress. which report shall be laid before Congress at their next session, and the lands contained in such granted shall not be otherwise disposed of, until the end of one year after that time.
Unconfirmed claims provided for.Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That so much of the five millions of acres reserved for that purpose by the articles of agreement above mentioned, as may be necessary to satisfy the claims not confirmed by that agreement, which are embraced by the two first sections of this act, or which may be derived from British grants for lands which have not been regranted by the Spanish government, be, and the same is hereby appropriated for that purpose; and so much of the residue of the said five millions of acres or of the nett proceeds thereof as may be necessary for that purpose, shall be, and is hereby appropriated, for that purpose of satisfying, quieting and compensating, for such other claims to the lands of the United States south of the state of Tennessee, not recognized in the above-mentioned articles of agreement, and which are derived from any act or pretended act of the state of Georgia, which Congress may hereafter think fit to provide for;Proviso, that no claims shall be embraced by the appropriation in this act which have not been presented before the first of January.Fees on recording.
No grant, deed or conveyance from the state of Georgia to be evidence unless recorded.
Claims not recognized. provided, however, that no other claims shall be embraced by this appropriation, but those, the evidence of which shall have, on or before the first day of January next, been exhibited by the claimants to the Secretary of State, and recorded in books to be kept in his office for that purpose, at the expense of the party exhibiting the same, who shall pay to the person employed by the Secretary of State for recording the same, at the rate of twelve and an