The lands aforesaid unappropriated to be sold.otherwise disposed of, or excepted by virtue of the preceding sections of this act, shall, with the exception of the section number sixteen, which shall be reserved in each township for the support of schools within the same, with the exception also of thirty-six sections to be located in one body by the Secretary of the Treasury for the use of Jefferson College, and also with the exception of such town lots not exceeding two in the town of Natchez, and of such an outlot adjoining the same, not exceeding thirty acres, as may be the property of the United States, to be located by the governorUnder the directions of the governor, surveyor and register. of the Mississippi territory, for the use of the said college, be offered for sale to the highest bidder, under the direction of the governor of the Mississippi territory, of the surveyor of the lands of the United States, above mentioned, and of the register of the land-office at the places respectively, where the land-offices are kept, and on such day or days as shall, by a public proclamation of the President of the United States, be designated for that purpose.Sales to remain open for three weeks―then private sales, by whom, The sales shall remain open at each place for three weeks and no longer; and all lands, other than the section number sixteen, remaining unsold at the closing of the public sales, may be disposed of at private sale by the register of the respective land-offices in the same manner, under the same regulations, for the same price, and on the same terms and conditions as is provided by law, for the sale of the lands of the United States, north of the river Ohio, by an act, intituledand on what terms. “An act to amend the act intituled, An act providing for the sale of the lands of the United States in the territory northwest of the Ohio, and above the mouth of Kentucky river:”Proviso.
Lands not to be sold for less than two dollars per acre.
Patent fees. Provided always, that the lands which may be sold at public sale by virtue of this act, shall not be sold for less than two dollars per acre, and shall in every other respect be sold on the same terms and conditions as was provided for the lands sold at public sale, by the last-recited act. And patents shall be obtained for all lands granted or sold in the Mississippi territory in the same manner and on payment of the same fees as is provided for lands sold north of the river Ohio, by the said last-recited act:Proviso. Provided, however, that evidences of the public debt of the United States shall not be received in payment for the purchase of said lands.
Fees of the registers of the land-offices, and receivers of public monies.
Salary of the surveyor,
and of his two clerks.
Compensation of the commissioners,
and of their clerks.Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That the registers of the land-offices, and the receivers of public monies, appointed in pursuance of this act, shall receive the same fees and compensation as the registers and receivers of the land-offices north of the river Ohio, and the registers shall also be entitled to receive twenty-five cents for entering each certificate granted by the commissioners above mentioned. The surveyor of the lands of the United States, appointed in pursuance of this act, shall receive an annual compensation of fifteen hundred dollars, and shall be allowed not exceeding two clerks, whose whole compensation shall not exceed one thousand dollars per annum. The commissioners appointed to ascertain the rights of persons claiming the benefit of the articles of agreement above mentioned, and of this act shall receive each a compensation of two thousand dollars for the whole of their services, the registers of the land-offices excepted, who shall receive only five hundred dollars each, for their services as commissioners; the clerks of the boards of commissioners a compensation not exceeding seven hundred and fifty dollars each;Pay of the superintendents. and the superintendents of the public sales shall receive six dollars each, for each day’s attendance on the said sales.
Commissions of the surveyor, registers of the land-offices, and receivers of public monies.Sec. 14. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United States shall have full power to appoint and commission the surveyor, registers of the land-offices, and receivers of public monies above mentioned, in the recess of Congress, and their commissions shall continue in force until the end of the session of Congress next ensuing such appointment.
Sec. 15. And be it further enacted, That a sum not exceeding twenty