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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/381

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of the Treasury a report of all the claims filed with the register of the land-office, which they may have rejected, together with the substance of the evidence adduced in support thereof, and such remarks thereon as they may think proper; and they shall in relation to any such rejected claims which were founded on possession and actual settlement and improvement, particularly state the date of the improvement and the quantity, situation and boundaries of the land claimed. Those reports, together with the transcripts of the decisions of the commissioners, in favour of claimants, shall be laid by the Secretary of the Treasury before Congress at their next session; and the lands, the claims to which shall have been affirmed by the commissioners, as well as those, the claims to which, though rejected by the commissioners, were derived from actual possession, improvement and settlement, shall not otherwise disposed of until the decision of Congress thereupon shall have been made.Compensations of the commissioners, clerks, and registers of land-offices. Each of the said commissioners, and each of the clerks of the respective boards, shall be allowed an additional compensation of five hundred dollars, in full for his services as such in relation to such claims; and each of the registers of the land-offices for the said three districts, shall be allowed a further sum of five hundred dollars, as a compensation in full for translating and recording, or causing to be translated and recorded, grants, deeds or other evidences of claims in the French language.

Act of March 3, 1807, ch. 34.Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That the governor of the Michigan territory shall act as one of the superintendents of the sales of public lands at Detroit, in lieu of the governor of the Indiana territory.[1]

Sections reserved for the disposition of Congress, to be offered for sale.Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That all the sections heretofore reserved for the future disposition of Congress, and lying within either of the districts established for the disposal of public lands in the state of Ohio, with the exception of the section No. 16, of the Salt Springs, and lands reserved for the use of the same, and of other sections or tracts of land otherwise heretofore specially appropriated, shall be offered for sale in that district within which such reserved sections may lie, on the same terms, and under the same regulations, as other lands in the same district:Proviso. Provided, that such sections shall previously be offered to the highest bidder at public sales, to be held under the superintendence of the register and receiver of the land-offices, respectively, to which they are attached, on the same terms as has been provided for the public sales of the other public lands of the United States, and on such day or days as shall by a public proclamation of the President of the United States be designated for that purpose:Proviso. And provided also, that no such heretofore reserved section shall be sold either at public or private sale for less than eight dollars per acre.

Expenses, how to be defrayed.Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the expenses which may be incurred by virtue of this act, shall be defrayed out of the sums which have been or may hereafter be appropriated for defraying the expenses incident to the surveying and disposal of the public lands of the United States, in the Mississippi and Indiana territories.

Approved, March 3, 1805.

Statute ⅠⅠ.

March 3, 1805.

Chap. XLIV.An Act in addition to “An act to make provision for persons that have been disabled by known wounds received in the actual service of the United States, during the revolutionary war.”

The provisions contained in the first section of the act of March 3, 1803, ch. 37, relating to pensions extended.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the provisions contained in the first section of “An act to make provision for persons that have been disabled by known wounds, received in the actual service of the United States, during the revolutionary war,”

  1. See note to act of March 3, 1807, chap. 34, for the acts relating to the sale of lands in the Michigan territory, and state.