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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/496

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a way for foot passengers, and shall be separated from the carriage way by a good and sufficient railing at least four feet high.

A draw and wharf to be made and kept in proper order.Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That the said company shall cause to be built and kept and maintained in good repair, a convenient and sufficient draw or passage way, at least thirty-five feet wide, in the said bridge, over the main channel of the river, for the passing and re-passing of vessels, by day and by night; and shall also cause to be built, and to be kept and maintained in good repair, a well constructed and substantial wharf erected on piles on each side of the said bridge, and adjoining or near to the said draw, in every respect sufficient for ships and other vessels to lie at securely; and all ships, waiting for a passage through the said draw, may lie at such wharves, free of charge, until a suitable opportunity offers of passing through the said draw; and the said company shall, at their own cost, and without toll, cause the said draw or passage way to be hoisted or removed, without delay, for the passage of all ships and vessels with masts, that are unable to pass under the same; and if through the unskilfulness or negligence of the personPenalties for the detention of vessels, &c. &c. or persons employed by the said company, to hoist or remove the said draw, any ship or vessel shall be unjustly or unreasonably hindered or delayed, or shall be damaged in her hull, spars or rigging, in passing the said draw, the said company shall be liable to the master or the owner or owners of such ship or vessel, for damages at the rate of six cents per ton of such ship or vessel, for damages at the rate of six cents per ton of such ship or vessel, for each and every hour such ship or vessel shall be hindered or delayed, and for all damages in her hull, spars and rigging, as aforesaid, to be ascertained and recovered in a special action on the case, in any court of competent jurisdiction; and the said company shall constantly keep the said bridge furnished with twenty good lamps, to be well supplied with oil, and lighted in due season, four of which lamps shall be kept at the said draw, and be kept burning through the night, and the others shall be kept burning until the hour of twelve at night, under the penalty of five dollars for each offence, to be recovered by warrant before any justice of the peace, having jurisdiction, by such person or persons as shall sue for the same. And it shall be lawful for the said company, to cause each leaf of the said draw to be made of the width of twenty feet instead of thirty-six feet, the width of the said bridge; and if at any time hereafter the channel under the said principal draw of thirty-five feet shall change and shift to and under any other part of said bridge, then it shall be the duty of said company at all times to remove the former, and keep a good and sufficient draw of thirty-five feet in width over the main and principal channel, wherever the same shall pass under the said bridge: Provided, that the same shall appear necessary on a survey to be made by three commissioners to be appointed for that purpose by the President of the United States.

A second draw to be made across the Maryland channel.Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That the said company shall, in like manner, cause a draw or passage way, at least fifteen feet wide, to be made in the said bridge, across the other channel of the said river, near the eastern shore, commonly called the Maryland channel, subject to all the restrictions, penalties and provisions contained in the last preceding section, for keeping and maintaining the draw or passage way over the main channel of the said river, except so far as respects the building of wharves on each side thereof:Proviso.
A survey to be made.
Provided, the same shall appear necessary on a view and survey thereof, by three commissioners to be appointed for that purpose by the President of the United States.

Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That as soon as the said bridge and wharves shall be erected and built, and furnished and completed, as required by this act, the said company shall be entitled to demand and receive, by their proper agents, servants, or officers, tolls at the following rates, viz. for each foot passenger six cents and a quarter;Tolls.
for each person and a horse, eighteen cents and three quarters of a cent; for each