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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/503

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Specific appropriations.those on shore, and forage for the staff, one hundred and sixty thousand one hundred and thirty-one dollars and ninety cents.

For clothing for the same, twenty-nine thousand nine hundred and thirty-three dollars and eighty cents.

For military stores for the same, nine thousand six hundred and fifty-four dollars.

For medicine, medical services, hospital stores and all other expenses on account of the sick belonging to the marine corps, two thousand dollars.

For quartermaster’s and barrack-master’s stores, officer’s travelling expenses, armorer’s and carpenter’s bills, fuel, premiums for enlisting, musical instruments, bounty to music, and other contingent expenses, fourteen thousand and thirty-five dollars.

For the expense of navy yards, comprising docks and other improvements, pay of superintendents, storekeepers, clerks and labourers, sixty thousand dollars.

For ordnance, fifty thousand dollars.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the several sums herein specifically appropriated shall be paid out of any monies in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated.

Approved, February 10, 1808.

Statute Ⅰ.

Feb. 10, 1808.

Chap. XIX.An Act to revive and continue certain causes and proceedings in the District Court of the District of Columbia.

Causes, &c. &c. pending in district court of the District of Columbia continued over from last October to next April term.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all causes, suits, actions, writs, process and proceedings, which were pending in the district court of the district of Columbia at the time appointed by law for holding a session thereof, on the first Tuesday of October last past, or which were returnable to the session of the said court which ought to have been holden on the first Tuesday of October, shall be, and the same are hereby revived, reinstated and continued over to the next stated session of the said court, to be holden on the first Tuesday of April next, in the same manner and condition, and the same further proceedings may be had therein, as if a session of the said court had been, on the said first Tuesday of October, holden according to law, and as if a regular continuance of all the said causes, suits, actions, writs, process and proceedings had been duly entered upon the records of the said court.

Approved, February 10, 1808.

Statute Ⅰ.

Feb. 19, 1808.

Chap. XX.An Act making appropriations for carrying into effect certain Indian Treaties.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That for the purpose of carrying into effect a treaty between the United States and the Choctaw nation of Indians, concluded at Pooshapukanuk, in the Choctaw country, on the sixteenth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and five, the following sums be, and the same hereby are appropriated, in conformity with the stipulations contained in the said treaty, that is to say:

Specific appropriations.To the said Choctaw nation, fifty thousand five hundred dollars, and the further annual sum of three hundred dollars.

To each of the three great Medal Mingoes, Pukshunnubbee, Mingo Hoomastubbee and Pooshamattaha, five hundred dollars, and a further annual sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to each of the said Mingoes during his continuance in office.