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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/525

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mand and receive by their proper agents, servants, or officers, at the said bridge, tolls not exceeding the following rates, to be regulated from time to time by the circuit court of the United States, in and for the district of Columbia, in the county of Alexandria, under the direction of Congress; for each person and horse, six cents and a quarter; for each chaise, sulky, or riding chair, twelve and a half cents; for each coach, coachee, stage-wagon, chariot, phaeton, or curricle, or other riding carriage, twenty-five cents, and the further sum of four cents for each horse, more than two, by which such coach, coachee, chariot, phaeton, or curricle, shall be drawn; for each sled or sleigh, twelve and a half cents, and the further sum of four cents for each horse or other beast, more than two, by which such sled or sleigh shall be drawn; for each four-wheeled wagon, cart, or other four-wheeled carriage of burthen, twenty-five cents, and the further sum of four cents for each horse or other beast, more than two, by which the same shall be drawn; for each two-wheeled cart, dray, or other two-wheeled carriage of burthen, twelve and a half cents, and the further sum of four cents for each horse or other beast, more than one, by which the same shall be drawn; for each sheep or swine, one cent; for horses and neat cattle, other than those in teams, drawing sleds, sleighs, or carriages, or those with riders, two cents each. And it shall be the duty of the said company to keep posted up, in some conspicuous place, at the said bridge where the toll is collected, a printed list of the rates of toll allowed by this act, and for every day the same shall be neglected, they shall forfeit and pay one dollar, to be recovered by warrant, by any person who shall sue for the same.

Road to be kept in good repair.Sec. 13. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said corporation, to keep the said road and bridge in good repair; and if in neglect of their said duty, the said corporation shall at any time suffer the said road or bridge to be out of repair, so as to be unsafe or inconvenient for passengers, the said corporation shall be liable to be presented for such neglect,Penalties. before any court of competent jurisdiction, and upon conviction thereof, to pay to the United States a penalty not exceeding one hundred dollars, at the discretion of the court; and shall also be responsible for all damages, which may be sustained by any person or persons, in consequence of such want of repair, to be recovered in an action of trespass on the case, in any court competent to try the same: Provided always, and it is further enacted,Proviso. that whenever the nett proceeds of toll collected on said road shall amount to a sum sufficient to reimburse the capital stock, which shall be expended in the purchase of said land, building said bridge, and making said road, and twelve per cent. interest thereon, to be ascertained by said circuit court, the same shall become a free road, and toll shall be no longer collected thereon; and said company shall annually make returns to said circuit court, of the amount of toll collected, and of their necessary expenses, so as to enable said circuit court to determine when the said toll shall cease.

Approved, April 21, 1808.

Statute Ⅰ.

April 21, 1808.

Chap. LI.An Act to continue in force an act intituled “An act to extend jurisdiction in certain cases to state judges and state courts; and for other purposes.”[1]

Act of March 8, 1806, ch. 14, continued in force without limitation.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the act, intituled “An act to extend jurisdiction in certain cases to state judges and state courts,” passed the eighth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and six, be, and the same is hereby continued in force without limitation of time.