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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/530

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Names of pensioners, and rates of pensions.mence on the third day of November, one thousand eight hundred and seven.

James Boden, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per month, to commence on the twenty-eighth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eight.

Isaac Burnham, at the rate of four dollars per month, to commence on the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and three.

Benjamin Hillman, at the rate of ten dollars per month, to commence on the fourteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eight.

Silas Pierce, at the rate of ten dollars per month, to commence on the seventh day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eight.

Randel M’Allistor, at the rate of five dollars per month, to commence on the seventh day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eight.

John Durnal, at the rate of three dollars per month, to commence on the seventh day of April, one thousand eight hundred and eight.

Jabez Church, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per month, to commence on the twenty-second day of February, one thousand eight hundred and eight.

Thomas Machin, at the rate of ten dollars per month, to commence on the nineteenth day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eight.

David Richey, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per month, to commence on the second day of April, one thousand eight hundred and eight.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the pensions of the following persons already placed on the pension list of the United States, whose claims for an increase of pension1806, ch. 25. have been transmitted to Congress, pursuant to the act aforesaid, be increased to the sums herein respectively annexed to their names, the said increase to commence at the times herein mentioned, that is to say:

James Campbell, four dollars per month, to commence on the twenty-fifth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and seven.

John Beardsley, jun. five dollars per month, to commence on the thirteenth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and seven.

Thomas Bristol, five dollars per month, to commence on the twenty-second day of October, one thousand eight hundred and seven.

Josiah Smith, five dollars per month, to commence on the twenty-ninth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and seven.

Joseph Wace, five dollars per month, to commence on the twenty-ninth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and seven.

Daniel Buck, five dollars per month, to commence on the seventeenth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and seven.

Lemuel King, five dollars per month, to commence on the twenty-third day of December, one thousand eight hundred and seven.

William Wallace, five dollars per month, to commence on the seventeenth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and seven.

Joseph Saunders, five dollars per month, to commence on the seventh day of February, one thousand eight hundred and seven.

William Hastings, five dollars per month, to commence on the eleventh day of February, one thousand eight hundred and seven.

Joshua Lovejoy, five dollars per month, to commence on the fifth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and seven.

Isaac Higgins, three dollars thirty-three and one third cents per month, to commence on the twenty-ninth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and seven.

Reuben Dow, fifteen dollars per month, to commence on the nineteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and seven.

Joseph Harrup, five dollars per month, to commence on the fifteenth day of September, one thousand eight hundred and seven.