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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/54

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by the first section of this act: Provided, that no such vessel or goods shall be adjudged to be restored to such former owner or owners, in any case where the same shall have been, before the recapture thereof, condemned as prize by competent authority, nor in any case where by the law or usage of the prince, government, or state, within whose territory such former owner or owners shall be resident as aforesaid, the vessel or goods of a citizen of the Untied States, under like circumstances of recapture, would not be restored to such citizen of the United States: Provided also, that nothing herein shall be construed to contravene or alter the terms of restoration in cases of recapture, which are or shall be agreed on in any treaty between the United States, and any foreign prince, government or state.

Distribution of salvage.
Act of March 2, 1799, ch. 24, sec. 97. Act of April 23, 1800, ch. 33.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That all sums of money which may be paid for salvage, as aforesaid, when accruing to any public armed vessel, shall be divided to and among the commanders, officers and crew thereof, in such proportions as are or may be provided by law, respecting the distribution of prize money: and when accruing to any private armed vessel, shall be distributed to and among the owners and company concerned in such recapture, according to their agreements, if any such there be; and in case there be no such agreement, then to and among such persons, and in such proportions, as the court having jurisdiction thereof shall appoint.

Repeal of former laws.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That such parts of any acts of Congress of the United States, as respect the salvage to be allowed in cases of recapture, shall be, and are hereby repealed, except as to cases of recapture made before the passing of this act.

Approved, March 3, 1800.

Statute Ⅰ.

March 3, 1800.

Chap. XV.An Act declaring the assent of Congress to certain acts of the States of Maryland and Georgia.

Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent of Congress be, and hereby is granted to the operation of an act of the General Assembly of the state of Maryland,Act of April 20, 1808, ch. 47.
Act of April 16, 1814, ch. 60.
Act of April 20, 1822, ch. 29.
passed on the twenty-sixth day of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, entitled “An act empowering the wardens of the port of Baltimore to levy and collect the duty therein mentioned,” and also to so much of an act of the state of Georgia, passed February the tenth, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, entitled “An act for regulating the trade, laying duties on all goods, wares, liquors, merchandise and negroes imported into this state; and also an impost on the tonnage of shipping, and for other purposes therein mentioned,” as authorizes a duty of three pence per ton on all shipping entering the port of Savannah, to be set apart as a fund for clearing the river Savannah.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this act shall be, and continue in force until the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and eight, and no longer.

Approved, March 3, 1800.

Statute Ⅰ.

March 19, 1800.

Chap. XVI.An Act to alter the times of holding the District Court in North Carolina.

Act of March 3, 1797, ch. 27.
Act of Feb. 13, 1801, ch. 4.
Act of March 3, 1801, ch. 32.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sessions of the district court for the district of North Carolina, shall hereafter be holden on the first Monday in February, May, August and November annually.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That all process which shall