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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/597

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Specific appropriations.compensation granted to the several marshals for the districts of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, New Jersey, North Carolina, Kentucky, Ohio, East and West Tennessee and Orleans, two thousand two hundred dollars.

For defraying the expenses of the supreme, circuit and district courts of the United States, including the district of Columbia, and of jurors and witnesses, in aid of the funds arising from fines, forfeitures and penalties, and for defraying the expenses of prosecutions for offences against the United States, and for the safe keeping of prisoners, forty thousand dollars.

For the payment of sundry pensions granted by the late government, nine hundred and sixty dollars.

For the payment of the annual allowance to the invalid pensioners of the United States, from the fifth of March, one thousand eight hundred and ten, to the fourth of March, one thousand eight hundred and eleven, ninety-eight thousand dollars.

For the maintenance and support of lighthouses, beacons, buoys and public piers, stakeages of channels, bars and shoals, and certain contingent expenses, sixty-eight thousand one hundred and thirty-one dollars and four cents.

For erecting a lighthouse on St. Simon’s island, in Georgia, and placing buoy or buoys on or near the bar of St. Simon’s, being the balance of former appropriations carried to the surplus fund, nine thousand and fifty dollars.

For erecting a beacon and placing buoys near the entrance of Savannah river, being an expense incurred under the act of the sixteenth day of July, seventeen hundred and ninety-eight, (a former appropriation for the same object having been carried to the credit of the surplus fund,) two thousand four hundred and ninety-four dollars and eighty-nine cents.

For erecting lighthouses at the mouth of the Mississippi river, and at or near the pitch of Cape Lookout, in North Carolina, being the amount of an additional appropriation carried to the surplus fund, fifty-five thousand dollars.

For building a lighthouse at Naushawn island, near Tarpaulin cove, in Massachusetts, being a balance of former appropriation carried to the surplus fund, two thousand four hundred and seventy-five dollars.

For rebuilding the lighthouse on North island, at the entrance of Winyaw bay, in South Carolina, being the amount of appropriation carried to the surplus fund, twenty thousand dollars.

For fixing buoys and stakes in and along the channel in Winyaw bay, leading to the harbor of Georgetown, South Carolina, being the amount of appropriation carried to the surplus fund, one thousand five hundred dollars.

For erecting a lighthouse on Point Judith, Rhode Island, in addition to the appropriation heretofore made for that purpose, two hundred dollars.

For defraying the expense of surveying the public lands within the several territories of the United States, thirty thousand dollars.

For repaying the Bank of the United States, a sum advanced to the late collector of New Orleans, to enable him to pay drawbacks, one hundred thousand dollars.

For expenses of intercourse with foreign nations, forty-nine thousand four hundred dollars.

For the contingent expenses of intercourse with foreign nations, fifty thousand dollars.

For expenses of intercourse with the Barbary powers, fifty thousand dollars.