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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/62

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and upon their refusal to come, to commit them to prison, until they shall submit themselves to be examined, according to the directions of this act:Their compensation.
Punishment for perjury and subornation thereof.
Provided, that such witnesses as shall be so sent for, shall be allowed such compensation as the commissioners or judge shall think fit, to be rateably borne by the creditors; and if any person, other than the bankrupt, either by subornation of others, or by his or her own act, shall wilfully or corruptly commit perjury on such examination, to be taken before the commissioners as aforesaid, the party so offending, and all persons who shall procure any person to commit such perjury, shall, on conviction thereof, be fined, not exceeding four thousand dollars, and imprisoned, not exceeding two years, and moreover shall, in either case, be rendered incapable of being a witness in any court of record.

Penalty on making a fraudulent claim.Sec. 16. And be it further enacted, That if any person or persons shall fraudulently, or collusively claim any debts, or claim or detain any real or personal estate of the bankrupt, every such person shall forfeit double the value thereof, to and for the use of the creditors.

Commissioners may assign property fraudulently conveyed away.Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That if any person, prior to his or her becoming a bankrupt, shall convey to any of his or her children, or other persons, any lands or goods, or transfer his or [her] debts or demands into other persons’ names, with intent to defraud his or her creditors, the commissioners shall have power to assign the same, in as effectual a manner as if the bankrupt had been actually seised or possessed thereof.

Duty of the bankrupt to surrender himself and be examined, &c.Sec. 18. And be it further enacted, That if any person or persons who shall become bankrupt within the intent and meaning of this act, and against whom a commission of bankruptcy shall be duly issued, upon which commission such person or persons shall be declared bankrupt, shall not, within forty-two days after notice thereof, in writing, to be left at the usual place of abode of such person or persons, or personal notice in case such person or persons be then in prison, and notice given in some gazette, that such commission hath been issued, and of the time and place of meeting of the commissioners, surrender him or herself to the said commissioners, and sign or subscribe such surrender, and submit to be examined, from time to time, upon oath or solemn affirmation, by and before such commissioners, and in all things conform to the provisions of this act, and also upon such his or her examination, fully and truly disclose and discover all his or her effects and estate, real and personal, and how and in what manner, to whom and upon what consideration, and at what time or times he or she hath disposed of, assigned or transferred, any of his or her goods, wares, or merchandise, monies, or other effects and estate, and of all books, papers and writings relating thereunto, of which he or she was possessed, or in or to which he or she was any ways interested or entitled, or which any person or persons shall then have, or shall have had in trust for him or her, or for his or her use, at any time before or after the issuing of the said commission, or whereby such bankrupt, or his or her family then hath, or may have or expect any profit, possibility of profit, benefit or advantage whatsoever, except only such part of his or her estate and effects as shall have been really and bona fide before sold and disposed of, in the way of his or her trade and dealings, and except such sums of money as shall have been laid out in the ordinary expenses of his or her family, and also upon such examination, execute in due form of law, such conveyance, assurance, and assignment of his or her estate, whatsoever and wheresoever, as shall be devised and directed by the commissioners, to vest the same in the assignees, their heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns for ever, in trust, for the use of all and every the creditors of such bankrupt, who shall come in and prove their debts under the commission; and deliver up unto the commissioners, all such part of his or her the said bankrupt’s goods, wares, merchandises, money, effects and estate, and all books,