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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/65

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whole he or she shall have taken and received, and shall pay back, or deliver up the same, or the full value thereof, to the assignee or assignees who shall be appointed or chosen under such commission, in manner aforesaid, in trust for, and to be divided among the other creditors of the said bankrupt, in proportion to their respective debts.

Notice of a dividend.Sec. 29. And be it further enacted, That every person who shall be chosen assignee of the estate and effects of a bankrupt, shall, at some time after the expiration of four months, and within twelve months from the time of issuing the commission, cause at least thirty days public notice to be given, of the time and place the commissioners and assignees intend to meet, to make a dividend or distribution of the bankrupt’s estate and effects; at which time the creditors who have not before proved their debts, shall be at liberty to prove the same; and upon every such meeting, the assignee or assignees shall produce to the commissionersMode of making the first dividend. and creditors then present, fair and just accounts of all his or their receipts and payments, touching the bankrupt’s estate and effects, and of what shall remain outstanding, and the particulars thereof, and shall, if the creditors then present, or a major part of them, require the same, be examined upon oath or solemn affirmation, before the same commissioners, touching the truth of such accounts; and in such accounts, the said assignee or assignees shall be allowed and retain all such sum and sums of money, as they shall have paid or expended in suing out and prosecuting the commission, and all other just allowances on account of, or by reason or means of their being assignee or assignees; and the said commissioners shall order such part of the nett produce of the said bankrupt’s estate, as by such accounts or otherwise shall appear to be in the hands of the said assignees, as they shall think fit, to be forthwith divided among such of the bankrupt’s creditors as have duly proved their debts under such commission, in proportion to their several and respective debts; and the commissioners shall make such their order for a dividend in writing, under their hands, and shall cause one part of such order to be filed amongst the proceedings under the said commission, and shall deliver unto each of the assignees under such commission, a duplicate of such their order, which order of distribution shall contain an account of the time and place of making such order, and the sum total or quantum of all the debts proved under the commission, and the sum total of the money remaining in the hands of the assignee or assignees to be divided, and how many per cent. in particular is there ordered to be paid to every creditor of his debt; and the said assignee or assignees in pursuance of such order, and without any deed or deeds of distribution, to be made for the purpose, shall forthwith make such dividend and distribution accordingly, and shall take receipts in a book to be kept for the purpose, from each creditor, for the part or share of such dividend or distribution, which he or they shall make, and pay to each creditor respectively; and such order and receipt shall be a full and effectual discharge to such assignee for so much as he shall fairly pay, pursuant to such order as aforesaid.

Second and subsequent dividends.Sec. 30. And be it further enacted, That within eighteen months next after the issuing of the commission, the assignee or assignees shall make a second dividend of the bankrupt’s estate and effects, in case the same were not wholly divided upon the first dividend, and shall cause due public notice to be given of the time and place the said commissioners intend to meet, to make a second distribution of the bankrupt’s estate and effects, and for the creditors who shall not before have proved their debts, to come in and prove the same; and at such meeting, the said assignees shall produce, on oath or solemn affirmation as aforesaid, their accounts of the bankrupt’s estate and effects, and what, upon the balance thereof, shall appear to be in their hands, shall by like order of the commissioners, be forthwith divided amongst such of the bankrupt’s