of the
Passed at the third session, which was begun and held at the City of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Monday, third day of December, 1810, and ended on the third day of March, 1811.
James Madison, President; George Clinton, Vice President of the United States, and President of the Senate; John Pope, President of the Senate pro tempore, from the 26th of February, 1811; J. B. Varnum, Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Chapter I.—An Act to authorize the transportation of certain documents free of postage.
The message of President and the documents accompanying the same to be transmitted free of postage.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the members of Congress, the secretary of the Senate and clerk of the House of Representatives, be, and they are hereby respectively authorized to transmit, free of postage, the message of the President of the United States of the fifth of December, one thousand eight hundred and ten, and the documents accompanying the same, printed by order of the Senate and by order of the House of Representatives, to any post-office within the United States and territories thereof, to which they may direct, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Approved, December 17, 1810.
Statute ⅠⅠⅠ.
Chap. II.—An Act making an additional appropriation to supply a deficiency in the appropriation for the relief and protection of distressed American Seamen, during the year one thousand eight hundred and ten.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,Appropriation. That for supplying the deficiency in the appropriation for the relief and protection of distressed American seamen in foreign countries, during the year one thousand eight hundred and ten, the further sum of seventy-six thousand dollars, to be paid out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, be and the same is hereby appropriated.
Approved, January 7, 1811.
Statute ⅠⅠⅠ.
Chap. III.—An Act to continue in force for a further time the first section of the act, entituled “An act further to protect the commerce and seamen of the United States against the Barbary powers.”
Act of Feb. 27, 1813, ch. 40.
Mediterranean fund continued till 4th March, 1812.
Act of March 26, 1804, ch. 46.
1810, ch. 5.
Act of Jan. 31, 1812, ch. 15.
The additional duty laid by the 3d section shall be collected on all goods imported previous to March 4, 1812.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That so much of the act passed on the twenty-fifth [twenty-sixth] day of March, one thousand eight hundred and four, entituled “An act further to protect the commerce and seamen of the United States against the Barbary powers,”