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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/68

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tious or false debt, or demand, with intent to defraud the real creditors of such bankrupt, and the bankrupt shall refuse to make discovery thereof, and suffer the fair creditors to be imposed upon, he shall lose all title to the allowance upon the amount of his effects, and to a certificate of discharge as aforesaid, nor shall he be entitled to the said allowance or certificate, if he has lost, at any one time fifty dollars, or in the whole three hundred dollars, after the passing of this act, and within twelve months before he became a bankrupt, by any manner of gaming or wagering whatever.

Bankrupt, if arrested, may be discharged on an habeas corpus.Sec. 38. And be it further enacted, That if any bankrupt, who shall have obtained his certificate, shall be taken in execution or detained in prison, on account of any debts owing before he became a bankrupt, by reason that judgment was obtained before such certificate was allowed, it shall be lawful for any of the judges of the court wherein judgment was so obtained, or for any court, judge, or justice, within the district in which such bankrupt shall be detained, having powers to award or allow the writ of habeas corpus, on such bankrupt producing his certificate so as aforesaid allowed, to order any sheriff or gaoler who shall have such bankrupt in custody, to discharge such bankrupt without fee or charge, first giving reasonable notice to the plaintiff, or his attorney, of the motion for such discharge.

Persons whose debts are due at a future day may prove them.
Obligees of certain bonds, and the assured in a policy of insurance may claim under the commission, &c.
Sec. 39. And be it further enacted, That every person who shall have bona fide given credit to or taken securities, payable at future days, from persons who are or shall become bankrupts, not due at the time of such persons becoming bankrupt, shall be admitted to prove their debts and contracts, as if they were payable presently, and shall have a dividend in proportion to the other creditors, discounting, where no interest is payable, at the rate of so much per centum per annum, as is equal to the lawful interest of the state where the debt was payable; and the obligee of any bottomry or respondentia bond, and the assured in any policy of insurance, shall be admitted to claim, and after the contingency or loss, to prove the debt thereon, in like manner as if the same had happened before issuing the commission; and the bankrupt shall be discharged from such securities, as if such money had been due and payable before the time of his or her becoming bankrupt; and such creditors may petition for a commission, or join in petitioning.

Proceedings on habeas corpus, brought by a person committed by the commissioners.
Penalty on the gaoler suffering such person to go at large.
Sec. 40. And be it further enacted, That in case any person, committed by the commissioners’ warrant, shall obtain a habeas corpus, in order to be discharged, and there shall appear any insufficiency in the form of the warrant, it shall be lawful for the court or judge before whom such party shall be brought by habeas corpus, by rule or warrant, to commit such persons to the same prison, there to remain until he shall conform as aforesaid, unless it shall be made to appear that he had fully answered all lawful questions put to him by the commissioners; or in case such person was committed for not signing his examination, unless it shall appear that the party had good reason for refusing to sign the same, or that the commissioners had exceeded their authority in making such commitment; and in case the gaoler to whom such person shall be committed, shall wilfully or negligently suffer such person to escape, or go without the doors or walls of the prison, such gaoler shall, for such offence, being convicted thereof, forfeit a sum not exceeding three thousand dollars for the use of the creditors.

Prisoner to be produced by the gaoler on demand of a creditor.Sec. 41. And be it further enacted, That the gaoler shall, upon the request of any crditor, having proved his debt, and showing a certificate thereof, under the hands of the commissioners, which the commissioners shall give without fee or reward, produce the person so committed; and in case such gaoler shall refuse to show such person to such creditor, requesting the same, such person shall be considered as having escaped, and the gaoler or sheriff so refusing, shall be liable as for a wilful escape.