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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 2.djvu/790

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suitable distance below said causeway, which gates shall be connected by walls with said parapet wall, and of equal height, so as to form a complete lock, to be firmly secured at bottom, and with the usual apparatus for opening and shutting the same, to facilitate the passage of boats; and it shall be the duty of the said common council of Alexandria to provide, that always during the times of high freshes aforesaid, a careful person shall attend said gates to keep them shut, at which times they shall never be opened except for the passage of boats, and for ever to keep the said lock and the said canal, in all its walls, wings, pavements, gates, and other parts in complete repair; and if the said causeway should at any time be injured in consequence of the said common council having failed to take the precautionary measures aforesaid, and to keep every part of the work done by them in good repair, the said common council shall be liable to the corporation ofCommon council of Alexandria liable, &c.
Damages to be assessed.
Stone bridge.
Georgetown for all damages said corporation may sustain by such injury, to be assessed by a jury in an action on the case, to be brought by said corporation against said common council, and it shall also be the duty of the said common council of Alexandria to erect over said canal, where it shall cross the turnpike road which leads from said causeway to Alexandria, a substantial stone bridge, at least twenty feet wide, and to keep the same always in repair.

Good bridges to be erected over highways cut by the canal.Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That if any other of the said canals shall be cut across any public highway, that a good and sufficient bridge shall in such place be made over the canal at least twenty feet wide, and kept in constant repair by the said common council of Alexandria.

Limitation of time.Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That the aforesaid canal around the west end of the causeway aforesaid, shall be commenced within two years, and shall be completed in the manner herein before provided, within five years from this time, otherwise the authority herein given to cut said canal shall cease and determine.

Common council to supply vacancies of agents.Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That in case of the death, removal, or refusal to act, of any agent, the common council of Alexandria shall appoint another, and shall, from time to time, supply vacancies that may occur, and that in all cases a majority of the agents shall be sufficient to act.

Boats not to pass the western end of the causeway before the canal is completed.Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That it shall not be lawful for any boat or boats to pass the said canal around the western end of the said causeway, until the commissioners, or a majority of them herein after named, shall have certified under their hands, that according to the best of their skill and judgments, the said canal is located and cut, and the walls, wings, lock, and gates are erected and the pavement laid, and the whole work executed and completed, in every respect conformably to the directions, true intent and meaning of this act; and until the certificate signed as aforesaid shall be returned and filed in the office of the court of the county of Alexandria.

President to appoint commissioners to inspect the work.Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That so soon as the common council of Alexandria shall notify the President of the United States, that the said canal round the western end of the causeway aforesaid is completed, and ready for the view and inspection of the commissioners, then it shall and may be lawful for the President of the United States, and he is hereby required to appoint without delay three disinterested and skilful persons as commissioners, to go upon, view and inspect the canal and premises last aforesaid, and thereupon, if in their judgments, and not otherwise, the said canal be in all respects executed and completed as herein directed, to certify the same and cause their certificate to be returned and filed in manner aforesaid.Commissioners to be paid by the common council. And that the said commissioners for so doing shall be entitled to a reasonable compensation, to be paid by the common council of Alexandria.

Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That the earth or other materials